Ch. 5 - "Road Trip" Brennan/Angela Fic

Oct 12, 2007 13:10

Title: Ch. 5 - Road Trip
Author: Kit Givens
Disclaimer: Fox owns all rights. I am merely a fan of Bones, composing a work of fiction.
Rating: NC17
Summary: Brennan and Angela take a road trip to New Jersey. Brennan releases a side that excites, and terrifies Angela.
Warning: Femslash, non-con, bondage, sex toys, angst, biting

Angela stared out the window watching the landscape rushing by. She enjoyed the fresh air and the feeling of wind in her face. She leaned back and let one of her bare feet rest on the window frame. The evening breeze was cool on the bottom of her foot.

"Ange! That's dangerous, if we were to have a wreck your foot could go flying off. Don't make me turn on the child lock!", Brennan's hand was threateningly hovering over the child-lock on the driver's side controls.

"Fine." Angela brought her foot back in the car and gave Brennan a semi-pout. "But I'm not happy about it."

They had been driving for a couple of hours now. The sun was beginning to set, creating a wonderfully vivid skyline. Angela took out her notepad and started sketching in colored pencil.

Brennan watched out of the corner of her eye. She was glad she had decided to come on this mini-vacation. It had been Angela's idea. A weekend away, just the girls. She had convinced Brennan to take some time off, since she had been working non-stop since Zach left. It was the perfect weekend. They didn't have a case and Cam and Hodgins promised to hold down the fort so the girls could take a few days for a road trip.

They were heading to New Jersey for a Massive Attack concert. Brennan loved Massive Attack and Angela had surprised her with tickets to the nearest concert. To anyone else it was a very best-friend type thing to do. But Brennan knew Angela had ulterior motives. Going on a road trip meant staying in a hotel together, one of the few places they hadn't had sex yet. Brennan had to bite her lip to keep from fantasizing.

Surprisingly, their relationship hadn't changed that much since the night in the lab. Brennan still hadn't told Ange to her face that she was madly in love with her. But Angela also hadn't mention "the l word" since that night either. They had an unspoken mutual agreement to keep this strictly sex. The irony being they were both falling more in love every moment they spent together.

They arrived at the hotel a little after the sun had hidden beyond the horizon. They found a parking spot and unloaded their bags from the trunk.

Angela swore the one queen bed had been a mistake, but Brennan was glad to see Angela hadn't planned on them sleeping alone.

They rushed to get ready for the concert. Angela had put together one of her stylish, club-girl outfits with no problem. And like always, she looked stunning. Brennan on the other hand, had a little more trouble finding the right look. She had only been to classical concerts before, nothing "hip" like Massive Attack. After changing about three times, she decided on a pair of tight hipster jeans with a low cut v-neck that showed just a bit of her midriff.

Angela's eyes wandered up and down Brennan's body. "Wow. Maybe we should go out more often. You look…. Wow."

"You should see what I'm wearing underneath," she whispered in Angela's ear. Angela's neck tingled as Brennan kissed her on the cheek as the walked out the door.


They arrived back at the hotel around two o'clock. The concert had been amazing. They both had so much fun. Especially since the whole time they were teasing each other. Angela would lean in and nibble Brennan's ear, or kiss her neck softly. Then Brennan would wrap her arms around Ange's waist and pull her close enough for their hips to grind each other as they danced to the music. By the time they got in to the hotel room they were half-undressed and passionately making out.

Angela hurriedly fumbled to get Brennan's pants off to reveal what was underneath. To her surprise she found nothing but Brennan's naked hips. It was even better than she had expected.

They had made their way to the bed when Brennan rolled on top of Angela, while forcing her wrists above her head. Angela didn't try to fight back when she was pinned, she knew good and well Brennan was stronger than her.

Brennan began to kiss Angela while her free hand went searching for something under the pillow. She heard the clink of metal. In the same moment she had quickly cuffed Angela's wrists together. Angela's eyes gave a questioning, worried look. Before she knew it she was not only cuffed, but tied to the bed posts. Her arms were completely immobile and Brennan was in total control.

Brennan's hands ran over Angela's body. There was a fierceness in her eyes that Angela had never seen. Brennan was acting out her wildest fantasies and Angela was going to have the pleasure of receiving them.

Angela was left on the bed alone for only a moment as Brennan went to her bag to retrieve something. When she returned she straddled Angela and began kissing her torso, with heavy sensual kisses. Angela felt something press against her leg. Her breath grew heavy as Brennan pressed between Angela's thighs. Angela felt what Brennan had retrieved. It had to be at least ten inches. Thick. Hard, against her clit. Angela's body pounded. She felt blood pulsating from her throat all the way down to the rhythmic arousal between her legs. She had never wanted Brennan more. She wanted to kiss her, to feel her. But alas, she was still tied down, helpless, vulnerable.

Visions of her past abduction flashed in Brennan's head. She remembered how scared she was when he took her to the warehouse. She had been tied up, much like Angela. He had gagged her, threatened her. She remembered what it felt like to sit there, knowing there was nothing she could do. Anger began to swell inside of her, she turned it into raw passion and thrust hard into Angela.

Angela screamed. It felt so amazing for Brennan to be so deep inside of her. She wanted more. In an instant she became a whole different person, feeding off of her craving, begging for more. Her legs wrapped around Brennan's waist, she tightened her grasp bringing their hips as close as possible for the deepest pleasure.

Brennan thrust repeatedly into Angela. Faster, deeper. Penetrating her with so much force Angela cried out. Brennan was caught up in a whirl wind of emotion. The adrenaline raced through her veins, she was in control this time. Angela was completely defenseless. Brennan fucked her even harder.

She moved in and out, forcing herself between Angela's flexed thighs. So many emotions ran through her head. The jealousy of knowing Hodgins had sex with Angela every night while Brennan lay alone in bed, drove her mad. She imagined what it must be like when Hodgins was thrusting into Angela. She knew she was better. She would prove it here, tonight.

Angela's hands writhed in the handcuffs. She desperately tried to escape her restraints as Brennan lowered herself on top of Angela's chest. Angela was breathing so heavily she felt as if she was going to pass out, but all she wanted was more.

"Is that all you got, bitch? Why don't you fuck me like you mean it?", Angela had hardly believed the words had come out of her own mouth.

Brennan's face filled with determination. This had become a competition, and she was going to win. She held Angela's hips and grinded her pelvis hard into Ange's . Angela moaned, "Yes…God, Temperance don't stop."

Brennan loved it when Angela screamed her name. It gave her a second wind and she forced herself into Angela so hard that Angela's back arched in pleasure.

Angela flashed a devilish grin, "I'm not going to give it up that easily. You have to work to make me come."

Brennan was truly pissed. She would fuck Angela all night if that's what it took. She took long deep thrusting movements, pulling out slowly then back in forceful, fast. She leaned in and kissed Angela's neck. She licked her nipples, and Angela moaned. Brennan bit down on Angela's breast. Angela's body reacted. Her muscles clenched, her breath came in short bursts, her eyes tightened. Brennan kissed Angela's lips. Tongues fought against each other as Angela put everything she had into the kiss. It was about the only thing she could do in her current position.

Angela managed to get Brennan's neck between her teeth. With each of Brennan's violating impacts she bit down harder. Brennan let out a low groan. Angela sank her teeth deeper into Brennan's bare skin. She bit as hard as she could, letting her tongue lick and suck on the skin she held hostage between her teeth.

With one stringent pull Angela had freed her hands. She clawed wildly at Brennan's back. Brennan grabbed her wrists and pinned them down. Angela fought back, but she was no match for Brennan. For the first time a wave of anxiety passed over her. She began fighting to get her hands free, but Brennan just forced them cruelly into the bed.

Angela's fighting seemed to arouse Brennan. She pried her lovers legs open wider and shoved herself into Angela. Angela's panic sent tears streaming down her face. She was so close to climaxing. With one final, powerful plunge she screamed out in both pleasure and pain.

Brennan collapsed on top of her, releasing her grip and frantically trying to catch her breath. Sweat dripped down her brow as she lay on top of Angela's motionless body. When she had finally gathered the energy, she rolled to the side of Angela and stared up at the ceiling.

They lay there, speechless. Brennan listened to Angela's soft whimpers. She rolled over to gaze into those beautiful brown eyes. Angela's frightened face soon faded into a dopey grimace. She stroked Brennan's cheek with the back of her hand. Brennan held it and kissed the inside of Angela's palm.

"I love you."

Angela's eyes filled with tears. It was three words. Just three simple words that were used everyday. Yet, when put together those three words meant everything in the world. Her hand was intertwined with five familiar fingers. She squeezed them and smiled. "I love you too, Tempe."

So there they were. Brennan had taken that forbidden step. There was no turning back now. She had finally let her guard down. She had been saying that phrase for days now. But to say it out loud made it real. To say it, to let Angela know, was a huge step. She began running over the consequences of those three words. This was so much more than, just sex. This was…. love.

Angela laid her head on Brennan's shoulder as she drifted off to sleep. Brennan wrapped her arms around her precious lover. She had expected there to be a thousand things running through her head, preventing sleep. Yet, instead she found herself completely content, basking in the perfection of the moment. The only thing she heard was Angela's voice in the back of her mind echoing:

"I love you."

As always, comments welcome! I'm tweaking Ch. 6 right now, should have it posted later today. Enjoy!
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