WritelyI was going to test the "publish to blog" function, but that seems to be having communication problems with LJ right now, so I'll just babble into LJ's own Update Journal box. So far I'm really very fond of Writely, fond enough even to send thick paragraphs of detailed feedback about some font irregularities and tab-related crankiness.
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Comments 2
If you've got a public doc that is trending negative in Zaniness for fiscal year 2006, let me know. I'm not sure if I'm down for collusion, but conspiracy and collaboration are definitely on my a-ok list.
I swear, if Google would implement a collaborative whiteboard of the caliber of this one I could just stop installing software altogether. If you've never been to it before, make sure you have like half an hour before you click that link. Its sophistication is mind boggling.
I'll probably throw something public up on Writely soon, just as soon as I can think of something suited to Round Robin-style shenanigans.
Argh, the link's Flash has over-powered my puny laptop. That'll have to wait until I get home.
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