So, random social media...

Sep 07, 2011 10:10

Guess who's facebook account was disabled by facebook last night sometime after I logged off last night..?

Read through the 'violations' list and I can't for the life of me work out on what grounds my account was de-activated. Unless its my surname. Which you would think they would've bahleted a LONG time ago if that was in fact the case, and is comical as my surname is MUCH older than the slur.

The only other thing I can think of is that I said "Apparently Bon Temps is lousy with fairies" or something to that effect last night as a reference to True Blood, and in response to a friend a) asking how to make Fairy Bread (seriously was he kidding? ISDEK; its white bread with butter and hundreds and thousands, mang xD xD) and then b) asking where he could get some fresh fairies from.

Surely though that's not it, referencing a show that is ON facebook, that HAS actual winged-style fairies in a FICTIONAL town in both the show and its source material, and am actually talking about fairies. I mean hell they let ads on there telling little boys to kill unicorns xD

But my money is definitely there, either 'can't be a real surname, deleting her for being homophobic/gay bashing' OR 'oh my god talking about homosexual people as fairies and grinding them up to make bread, AND having a surname that's homophobic/gay bashing.' Good times.


weird, facebook

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