Further lack of contact from facebook...

Sep 11, 2011 15:25

As I mentioned in my previous post, facebook disabled my account on Wednesday with no warnings or correspondence or even an actual notification.

On Friday after hearing nothing back from them after my initial response to them of "Oh hey, these are all of the things that I did yesterday, I can't see how any of these violate anything, please explain?" which I didn't record, I sent them the following:

Hi, I contacted you two days ago in reference to my account being disabled/deleted? I received no official notification via email as to WHY this occurred, and have since not received any correspondence with an explanation OR a reply to my query/information on what I had done on Facebook prior to the deletion.

The only notification I received was that a BUSINESS application that I created and am responsible for for work had been disabled 'as a precaution.' Nothing to explain why my account was deleted, or what precautionary measure could possibly be needed to remove an app which was simply a launch page for a legitimate marketing, pr and graphic design business.

Having been over 48 hours I find this a rather shocking lack of customer service values.

After consulting with other Facebook members on public blogs and blogging communities, I've discovered that you seem to be disabling accounts with what SOMEONE within your system deems 'fake/offensive' names on them. I can assure you that my last name IS my last name, and if this is in fact the reason for deletion then I find your lack of communication on this matter, and total lack of regard to peoples REAL names disturbing.

Guess who's still not heard back from them? moonlapse reckons its because my surname is now being filtered out by their spam filters and going immediately to junk. Good times.

Also seems like from all of their FAQs that basically all of their decisions are final, even if they're wrong. They've decided they don't have to bother with explanations, and they don't appear to have to do anything if they don't feel like it.

At this point I'm wondering if I bother chasing it up more on principle than anything, coupled with the fact that I have to have one for work. I'd rather not have multiple 'Actually Me' accounts, especially if I can't use my actual email address for it. At this point I think I'd just be happy with finding out what on earth they decided I'd violated.

If it is my surname, then OH NOES, I've been violating their TOS SINCE BEFORE IT EXISTED! *gasp!*

Edit: I've gone the sending them emails route which was recommended at a number of places around the net, with different but similar wording to the form email I sent above. Interesting that apparently 'showing too much cleavage' can be grounds for deletion, among other ridiculous reasons. As moonlapse commented "I was unaware this was misogynybook."

Son of Edit: I got auto responders from my email(s) citing "We're streamlining how we receive feedback to be able to better assist you. The links below will take you to more information to help you solve and report your problem."

Uh, no you're not and no they don't.

I also find it rather amusing and V. TELLING that "Warnings & disabled accounts" features in their top three listed Common Issues. Facebook? If that's in your top three then perhaps you need to take a long hard look at yourself instead of projecting onto every one else...


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