Title: Rainbow Love
bokuwashinigami Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13 (majority) - R (ending)
Word Count: 6400 (!!!!!!!!)
Notes: Somewhat pointless, yet extremely wordy, MONSTER OF A FIC inspired by and based off of the Love Rainbow PV Making Of, featuring get-together Ohmiya. SPOILER WARNING FOR THE ACTUAL VIDEO; everything will actually make much more sense if
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Comments 41
lover I’ve got.” The sarcasm was apparent even in Nino’s head.)
Hahaha, loved it. If only this would've been the way the Love Rainbow Making off ended ;). And I can't believe after all these years Ohno still won't have dinner with Nino. lol
Thanks for sharing. Grace is awesome <333.
I am so happy this is finally done and posted; thanks for being supportive while I was still on 3000 words and complaining the entire time about this story! You're a big part of why this fic finally got completed. THANK YOU!
And thank you so much for reading! I know it must have been long and strange, but you made it all the way through and even took the time to comment! Because of that I will always be thankful!
I really wish this is what happened after the camera faded out after Nino and Ohno went up the stairs...I mean seriously, HOW MORE SUGGESTIVE COULD YOU GET. I just had to add that bit at the end about not going out to dinner, the two of them. IT STILL BOGGLES MY MIND. LOL. I guess I will never understand Ohmiya. <3
thank u^^
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! To be honest, I was giggling immaturely through the entire writing of the ending, but I am glad you liked it!
here you go:
Hahaha, no no, I swear you are being too modest and not taking enough credit! You are a lovely writer, and I love how cute your Ohno was!! This story of mine was just so long-winded I had trouble figuring out where I was going the entire way through, which you could probably tell. XD
I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to read and comment here!! I WILL DEFINITELY check out more of your fics! (You have such a HUGE fic index!)
It was OOOOOOMG *can't find her words*
AAAAAAH *-* *like a fangirl in a big crise of fangirlisme and stop-breathing*
Aah st'i... ti's .... si't.... it's.... KYAAAAAA !!!
I love it! *will print it*!
I loved the Making of (I also see it a lot and a lot of times XD even while reading your fanfic <3) and of course, I LOVE YOUR FANFICTION!!
It's so beautiful *.* Hot, perfect and all!!! I love the fanfictions coming from real facts, so I can't fight against that XD I'm so happy!!!
I thank you so much for reading my long-winded story! I am so happy when I read your spazzy comment; it was so cute! Feel free to print whatever you want! (You compliment me too much! I swear I do not deserve all of your lovely praise!) <3
I love fanfics that come from some sort of RL basis as well! That's part of the reason I was inspired to write this; I mean seriously, SOMETHING happened after that camera faded out!!
I really really appreciate you taking the time to comment too! I AM SO HAPPY YOU'RE HAPPY! Keep up the awesomeness, m'dear.
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