[Fic] Ohmiya One-Shot: Rainbow Love

Oct 01, 2010 02:20

Title: Rainbow Love
Author: bokuwashinigami 
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13 (majority) - R (ending)
Word Count: 6400 (!!!!!!!!)
Notes: Somewhat pointless, yet extremely wordy, MONSTER OF A FIC inspired by and based off of the Love Rainbow PV Making Of, featuring get-together Ohmiya. SPOILER WARNING FOR THE ACTUAL VIDEO; everything will actually make much more sense if you read this AFTER watching the actual video! I did take a few liberties with filling in the details, of course…I don’t know what I was thinking.

**I watched the Making Of literally 100+ times while working on this story to make sure everything was as accurate as possible; I tried to incorporate all of the little sounds that you hear in the background in addition to the dialogue and actions, so as a bonus game, try matching what I wrote in this fic with what happens in the video! Background noises and all! :D

Ninomiya Kazunari has always considered himself to be a relatively patient man, especially when it involved one very sunburnt, but oh-so-very cute, Ohno Satoshi. That was the reason why, after six grueling days of not seeing the older man (or the rest of the members of Arashi, in fact, but that wasn’t the point), he found himself half-skipping to the buildings where their latest PV was to be filmed, from the dark SUV that had been assigned to transport him around Tokyo until Arashi was un-banned from driving. (“Darn lady,” Nino had grumbled to himself, “getting in the way of my pretty car.”)

He was soon directed into a deserted dressing room and told to “find something to do until the others arrive and the crew finishes setting up the equipment”, and Nino swore he heard something that sounded vaguely like why is he even here so damn early tacked on at the end, but he pointedly decided to ignore it. Humming cheerfully to some obnoxious tune he had heard on the radio, he shrugged off his bag, rummaged through its contents, and triumphantly pulled out his royal blue Nintendo DSi ten seconds later. (“Blue, for Oh-chan,” Nino had decided when he purchased the device.) He had some serious Pokémon training to do if he was going to get the next gym badge before 7:30am.

Matsumoto Jun swept into the room precisely at 7:30am, forty minutes after Nino declared his future victory against Brock, of Pewter City fame. (“Who the hell cares about ROCK Pokémon,” he had snorted at his game in the proceeding minutes, “I bet Brock used to be the type of loser kid who used to keep a pet rock.”) Jun raised a dark eyebrow at the waves of intensity Nino was exuding from behind his dual screens, but decided he’d rather not be involved.

“Good morning, Nino.”

The older man glanced up nonchalantly, as if he wasn’t just trying to plot the demise of one pissed off-looking Onix, and gave the newcomer a quick nod in recognition.

“Well, aren’t we social today,” Jun smirked, “Waiting for a certain someone to arrive before you unleash your loveable-ness?”

“Who are we waiting for?” A crisp-looking Sakurai Sho strode into the room, trailed by an unusually slothful Aiba Masaki, who looked like he had woken up just five minutes prior (which he probably did).

Jun shot the pair his best do you even have to ask look.

At that precise moment, the door banged open loudly, and a breathless Ohno Satoshi staggered through the doorway, flushed and sweaty, appearing as if he had just run a marathon.

“Am I late?!”

Nino looked up immediately at the sound of Ohno’s winded voice, forgetting to save his game (he would definitely regret that later) as he switched off his DS and sat straighter on one of the smooth, dark chocolate-colored couches of the now fully-occupied dressing room. He drank in the sound of the older man’s uneven breathing and unruly appearance. (“Oh-chan looked really cute,” Nino would later remind himself, looking back on the scene.) He pulled at the hem of his shirt, smoothing out invisible wrinkles, and tried to look as blasé as possible as he crept to where the eldest was standing and wrapped himself around Ohno’s shoulders.

Jun shook his head, exasperated, at Nino’s own brand of strange enthusiasm.

No one else seemed to notice (nor did they really care about) the latter’s hand swinging down casually and squeezing firmly at Ohno’s rounded backside; instead, they all chimed out their normal greetings towards Arashi’s leader. It was all normal for them, anyways.

Though the hand seemed to linger far longer than its usual groping duration, Ohno made no indication that he had noticed anything odd as he unconcernedly, yet abruptly, shrugged off the younger man.

Nino watched the other walk away from him in disbelief.

And thus a typical PV filming day - slow and detailed - began.

It was mid-morning when Nino finally got the chance to interact with Ohno again. (“Darn whoever organized the order of filming!” he had exclaimed noisily, the shout echoing off the tiled walls of the empty bathroom.) By the time the younger had found himself with his target, there was an irritatingly nosy cameraman on his tail and the darker-skinned man was seated comfortably on one of the couches in the room, busily jabbing his pencil at some random packet of paper he had to complete. After a brief crinkle of his forehead towards the person (or people, if you count the annoyance known as the cameraman) who just entered the room, Ohno simply went back to scribbling away at his forms without a word, and Nino clenched his fists, feeling his displeasure levels skyrocketing.

“How’s it going?” Nino inquired in a low, depressed voice.

A mumbled response; Ohno didn’t even bother to look up. “I’m good.”

“What??” Nino raised his voice sharply, not pleased with the lack of interest he was receiving from the person he had wanted to see most.

“I’m good!” A slightly nervous chortle came from Arashi’s leader as he rolled his eyes upwards towards the younger boy, who standing, towered over the older man somewhat intimidatingly.

“Show me how good you are then!”

Nino maneuvered himself in front of the prying camera to get to the other side of the sofa where he proceeded to lean down towards the clipboard Ohno was holding, ignoring the other man’s weak I said I was fine protests. TAP. TAP. TAP. The younger man pursed his lips together frustratedly as his pale, stubby fingers began drumming erratically on the back of the hard writing surface as to disturb the older man’s peace.

A small, fond smile crossed Ohno’s expression as he puffed himself up in false anger. “What are you going to do about this?!” he snorted out, gesturing to his, now extremely wiggly, penmanship.

Nino sniggered happily as he succeeded in capturing all of Ohno’s attention. Thankfully, the cameraman took the hint that it was time to bother someone else and cut the filming with a quiet thank you for your hard work before leaving the younger one to squash himself into the tiny space between the arm of the furniture and its other occupant. (“Your kanji usage here is totally wrong, Ohno-san,” Nino had explained at the time as he curled into the plastic leather of the sofa.)

And if Nino’s left hand brushed over the front of Ohno’s pants with more gusto than what could be deemed accidental as he leaned to point at something on the clipboard, the cameraman was determined to pretend he didn’t notice as he fled the scene hastily.

Ohno, on the other hand, didn’t appear to have detected the movement at all as he kept his eyes focused on the next blank he needed to fill out and shooed Nino off towards the coffee machine.

Nino glared incredulously at the back of Ohno’s head.

The rest of the morning crawled along slowly for Arashi - seeing as everyone was doing their own thing - and Nino absolutely hated it. (“Who’s grand idea was it to make a PV only relying on  green screen and individual filming?!” he had screamed in his head.) He was quiet all throughout lunch as well, but that wasn’t really something he was able to control, seeing as how everyone ate the midday meal separately and at different times. Even his favorite hamburger steak on the catered lunch menu didn’t seem to brighten his mood much, even though it had been extremely delicious.

When it was his turn again for the next section of shooting, Nino dragged himself to the studio and scrunched his features into what he hoped was a believably “intense” expression (though it ended up more like a twitchy grimace). The filming continued to drag on, and after what seemed like hours of walking on the dinky green treadmill, he slinked back towards Arashi’s standby room.

By the time he had crossed over to the adjacent building and let himself in quietly (as to not disturb the studious MatsuJun as the youngest poured over his NatsuNiji script), Nino found himself catching the tail end of a conversation between the two eldest members of Arashi.

“…I’m going to have a cup. You want any?” Sho had his back turned towards the older man as he voiced his question, his body inclined towards the instant coffee and hot water machine on tiny break table.

Ohno stood up to meet the other at the table as the latter handed over a small green cup full of dark liquid. (“Green cup,” Nino had observed with a growl, “like our entire damn PV set.”) As both of them sipped at their own hot beverage, Sho glanced up at the doorway to see Nino frowning slightly at him.

“Oh, do I have to go?” Sho asked, as he downed the majority of his coffee.

Vaguely, Nino heard the cameraman filming the two men answer with a soft affirmative as he nodded at the other from the room’s exit.

“You can have this too, if you want.” Sho lowered his cup towards Ohno and left it on the table as he hurried towards the door.

Nino frowned faintly at Sho’s back as the older boy left the room looking harried but now focused his attention at Ohno, who was proceeding to do some sort of cutsey taste comparison between the two cups of bitter liquid. Nino’s teeth clenched down on his bottom lip as he watched Ohno’s mouth touch where Sho’s had been just seconds before.

The door chose at that moment to swing in a wide arc and slam shut behind the member who just left, causing Ohno to jump a little as he turned to look over at the scene. Nino crossed his arms and quirked his brow as to question the other’s actions.

Feeling the watchful lens of the camera continuously trained on him, Ohno let out a series of awkward little laughs as he proclaimed, “they taste the same!”

The cameraman, who had been feeling edgy around Ninomiya-san all day, cut the recording and backed out as quickly as he could without seeming rude to concentrate on Matsumoto-san, who was still hard at work reviewing his script.

In the background, a chuckle resounded quietly, which sounded suspiciously like Nino victoriously snatching away Sho’s used cup and chucking it across the room. Unbeknownst to Jun and the cameraman, Ohno had had retrieved the object Nino had hurled, and declared quietly, yet firmly, that Nino had wasted a perfectly useful cup.

Nino stood in shock as Ohno indirectly told him off, unable to move as the older man deliberately scooted away from the younger.

The afternoon and evening melded together too leisurely, in Nino’s opinion, and as his next break arrived, he pushed open the creaky barrier and reentered into the standby room to find Jun very comfortably positioned on top of the relaxed Ohno, cooing into the eldest member’s personal space.

“…what’d you do to make yourself so dark?” Jun tittered at the other man, who seemed to be in his own world as he fiddled with his white cell phone.

The door squeaked as it slammed shut behind Nino, and the boy felt his frustration flare up immediately as he observed Jun casually draped over the leader of Arashi, a graceful hand resting on Ohno’s shoulder.

“Eh, so you think you’re pale?”

“Not at all.” Though Ohno’s response came quickly, it was obvious he wasn’t completely following the conversation. However, the cameraman did his best to stay focused on the pair, knowing fully well that it was this sort of interaction that got him the biggest bonus later in the year. (“Juntoshi my ass,” Nino would later growl at him the next time the idol met the poor cameraman, “Everyone knows Ohmiya is the best couple in Arashi.)

“What’s wrong?” Jun asked. He freed a packet of paper that was trapped under Ohno, eliciting an uncomfortable grunt from the older man as he lifted his torso for Jun to slide out the papers. Glancing coolly at what he unearthed, the younger man felt his eye twitch slightly at the sight of the various crinkles along the edges of the document. Not stopping to think, he flung it to the side before he could contemplate it any further, his gaze lingering on the unsightly creases. No, he wasn’t OCD at all.

Nino stiffened impatiently out of shot as he watched the eldest and youngest members of Arashi continue on to have a completely mundane, and slightly one-sided, discussion over the dishes that comprised Ohno’s vast lunch meal and whether the older man was in perfect health or not. He gnashed his teeth violently with a loud cracking noise as he spotted Jun affectionately prod at Ohno’s left shoulder. (“What did Jun think he was doing!?” Nino would reflect later.)

“…mm, are you sending a mail?” Jun asked fondly, staring down at Ohno’s rounded face scrunched up in concentration at the small screen.

A pause.

“No, it’s not a mail,” Ohno replied in a low voice while pressing a couple of buttons on his phone.

“Then what are you doing exactly?”

“I’m looking up fishing information,” Ohno stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world (which, if you knew the man at all, was probably true).

Jun clicked his tongue disapprovingly and let out a deep sigh as he pushed himself off the Ohno and the couch. (“Finally!” Nino had cheered mentally when he had seen the movement by the youngest Arashi member.)

“Fishing again,” Jun chided with exasperation dripping off every word, “You’ve already gotten this dark, and you’re still going to go?”

Ohno paid him no attention as he glued his eyes on the text in the web browser of his phone. “Ahh, those lucky people…”

By this time, Nino had given Jun a small jab to the gut with his bony elbow and had moved into the place next to the cameraman that the younger man had just vacated. Ohno glanced up at the hovering Nino, but didn’t acknowledge the other as he turned back to his phone.

“I want to catch a tuna!” he finished off with a tiny, mysterious smile playing upon his lips.

Off-screen, Nino scowled at the other’s nonchalance towards his presence.

Taking a cue from a staff member, Ohno was soon directed out of the standby room for another portion of filming, and Nino was left in a foul mood by himself after the cameraman had chuckled nervously and followed Arashi’s leader to the exit.

Later, despite having laid down for a power nap, Nino was still feeling the effects of Ohno-induced frustration. Even butting into Sho’s Making Of segment hadn’t made him feel much better, though it had made him grin a bit at the fact that at least someone, though not his person of choice, was able to concentrate some attention on him (no, cameras and their accompanying cameramen didn’t count).

Long after evening had faded into nighttime, Nino began to say his goodbyes to his groupmates as Jun, then Aiba, and then Sho finished their parts one by one and returned to the standby room to pack up their belongings. He waved genially at them, and received tired, but happy smiles from each of the three in return. After they had shuffled out of the area, Nino’s face fell darkly. When Ohno came back, he’d have a lot of answering to do about his behavior today. (“As if he could really ignore me so easily!” Nino had mentally screamed when thinking back on the day’s events.)

He rested his forearms on his thighs as he sat blandly on the sofa, waiting for Ohno’s return so that he could vent his frustrations on the other man. What he didn’t expect, however, was for Arashi’s leader to be trailed by the same darn cameraman who had been in the way all day. Okay, Plan B it was.

“Are you done?” Nino looked up indifferently at the two people who now stood before him, as he managed to pull into a calm, dispassionate façade. “I’m not done yet, so wait for me…okay?”

As he was finishing the question, Nino pulled himself off the dark brown furniture and pressed his lips into a tight line, forcing the words to come out naturally and light-heartedly as he avoided eye contact with Ohno (and the cameraman).

“Ah…you’re going to start your portion now, right?”

“Hm?” Nino replied as a gut reaction; Ohno’s gaze felt strange against the back of his neck.

“You’re just starting, right?” The older man repeated his inquiry, sounding weirdly cheerful.

“Yeah. Why?” By this time, the younger man had swiveled his head to search Ohno’s face for anything out of place. Something just seemed…off, somehow.

A random staff member appeared in the doorway to find Nino, who was supposed to be on set five minutes ago. The irritating grating sound of the door swinging open and shut cut through their conversation piercingly.

“Uh, yes,” Ohno nodded at the crewmember, “then please make your way there first.” The older man’s voice faded at the end of the sentence as he gestured towards the door with one arm, then tilted slightly to land a gentle, encouraging pat on Nino’s back with the other arm.

Nino eyed the other man suspiciously. “What do you mean by ‘first’?”

“Uh, please do your best!” Ohno made a vague fist gesture with his left hand.

The cameraman switched over to zoom in on Nino’s face as the idol held out his hand, signaling just one moment please, towards the increasingly fidgety staff member waiting for him. “Un. I’m the last person, so…” He stared pointedly into Ohno’s eyes as he tried to reiterate his desire to make the man wait for him.

“But I don't think we're in the same car for the return trip,” Ohno cut in, his eyebrows raised slightly in innocence and lips parted in a small pout.

“I know that, but I’m telling you to wait for me. Okay?” Nino was now super determined to talk to other man in private as he tried his best to not say anything that would make him look psychotic in front of the camera as he made ambiguous gestures between himself, Ohno, and the doorway. “It’s only natural, you know. When I’m done, everything will-“

“Hurry up and go already!” Ohno interrupted again. This time, his lips parted in a quirky grin and his expression morphed into something unreadable, as if he was trying to hold something back but failing to do so perfectly. (“Something fishy is definitely going on, pun fully intended,” Nino’s brain had helpfully supplied at this point.)

As Ohno spoke, he moved stealthily to the younger man’s and with an abrupt grab and shove, tried to shift him towards the exit. Nino, having seen the approach out of the corner of his eye, anticipated the brusque action and propelled his right hand to intercept the other’s torso, reducing the force behind the push to the point where he didn’t even budge a centimeter.

Momentarily forgetting the camera’s presence, Nino’s lips unconsciously curled into an amused leer as his fingers coincidentally closed around Ohno’s left nipple just as he breathed out in retaliation. “What the heck is wrong with you?!”

The familiar intimate pinch to his nipple sent Ohno into a series of tiny grunting gasps as he felt himself unintentionally loosening the hold on his smile. He succumbed to the sensation, scrunching his eyes closed as to avoid looking at the camera and Nino himself.

“Everyone’s waiting for you!” he pushed out, breathless, as Nino used his other hand to grab at Ohno’s right forearm, their two pairs of hands and arms twisting together in an impromptu wrestling match. After a few more seconds of bumping against each other, they broke away from each other, and Nino smoothed his face into a neutral expression once more, undaunted by Ohno’s peculiar conduct.

“No, I can't take it anymore. I won't move from this spot until you promise to wait for me!” the younger boy declared adamantly, blinking slowly. He didn’t flinch even as he heard the cameraman’s stifled sniggering (whether it was due to the pair’s antics or whether he was thinking about his future bonus increase as a result of recording this peculiar skinship on film, no one would ever know).

Ohno’s lips held a poorly concealed smirk as he stared at Nino’s pale cheekbones, listening to the boy make his pronouncement. After a brief pause, the older man “attacked” again, lowering his stance in an attempt to playfully shoulder check Nino in the direction of the doorway. The younger man knew that if Ohno had really tried, he could have easily displaced the slightly taller boy, but the half-smile that reappeared on the older man’s face indicated that he was far from earnest in his efforts. With one powered shove, Nino sent Ohno towards the nearby wall.

Nino tried his best not to smile at the contact he was having with Ohno’s body, pinching his face together to get rid of the urge. No, he had to remain serious so that the other would realize how important it was to talk to him after he finished. (“He’s so frustrating!” Nino had reminded himself as his features pulled into a peeved expression.)

Nino stared sternly at Ohno, his eyes boring imaginary holes in the other’s face as he regarded him.

“Okay, I’ll wait. So…”

Relief spread across Nino’s chest as he heard the verbal promise come from the older man. With Ohno’s assurance, he spun towards the exit, to the joy of the waiting staff member. “You’ll wait, right?”

“Yeah, in the dressing room over there,” Ohno confirmed, his eyes wide and arms flailing to point in ambiguous directions.

“The other one, right?” Nino heard the other man confirm softly in response. “You’ll wait, right? Okay, then I’ll be going.” He strode confidently to the door and opened it to make his move to the set.

Just as Nino was about to step through the doorframe, a muted thank you for your hard work reverberated off his back. Nino narrowed his eyes at the tone of farewell and finality Ohno’s mellow voice radiated.

“What was that? Huh?!” The younger one twisted around and headed back towards the other idol in the room, suddenly believing that the older man would break his previous oath. The cameraman followed his ever movement.

Ohno was hunched over, scratching at his knee, but when he saw the other head towards him again, he straightened his posture, a devious smile washing over his tanned countenance. “Hurry up and go!”

“I'm going; you better wait for me,” Nino mumbled as Ohno shuffled him out of the standby room.

“Everyone's waiting for you at the green screen area.” Ohno’s hand landed on Nino’s right elbow, steering the latter out the door.

“You’ll wait for me, right?” Nino continued to ask, slightly worried, as Ohno directed him through the door.

“Thanks for your hard work,” Ohno added right before clicking the door shut behind the younger boy, lest Nino decided to reverse direction again.

“HEY!” was heard from the other side of the obstacle separating the two idols.

Nino frowned as he walked down the hallway, echoes of Ohno’s random blabbering from inside the room following him down the corridor. (“He’d better have his ass in the dressing room by the time I come back,” he had declared mentally.) What Nino didn’t realize, however, was the mysterious expression Ohno failed to hide on camera as he rambled on about how the PV might end up being completely green.

The last portion of filming went by excruciatingly slowly. Nino tried his best to pull interesting looks at the camera, but he ended up looking somewhat tired in all of the shots. When the director finally called cut on the final scene, Nino felt his nervous energy shoot through the roof as he tried to anticipate whether Ohno really had waited for him or not.

“I’m going straight to Ohno-kun,” he broadcast to the now extremely wary cameraman, who followed him out the door and into the darkness of the night.

As Nino power walked to the other building that housed Arashi’s dressing room, he felt himself involuntarily singing Love Rainbow, his voice pitching into a strange falsetto in reaction to the anxiety bubbling in his chest.

“Ohno’s waiting for me,” he stated confidently (though his eyes were tensely unfocused) to the cameraman, who nodded automatically in agreement even though the other couldn’t see him very well.

After a brief, cheerful run-in with Sho, who, even in a car and on his way out, was enthusiastically hoping that his PV introduction would be used in the final editing of the Making Of. Nino trundled past the massive SUV and into the foyer of the nearby building. He swung his arms idly as to quell his curious state of mind about Ohno’s whereabouts.

Nino vaguely heard his own voice telling the camera how fun it was to film today (“Yeah right,” he had told himself at the same time, “today was a complete disaster.”), moving to the stairs that would lead him up to the third floor dressing room. He ascended them sluggishly as to make sure not to trip while imparting his his-so-truthful opinion to the camera.

“I think... we shot...a good promotional video.” A smile worked its way into Nino’s voice at the end of his sentence as Ohno, now changed into his personal clothes, bounced down the steps to greet him on the landing between the second and third floors. He hadn’t really expected him to wait.

“I waited for you!” the older man exclaimed gleefully.

“Eh?” Nino cast an apprehensive glance at the overly-excited man.

“I waited, I waited!” the odd smirk reappeared on Ohno’s face.

“I didn’t know you were waiting,” Nino replied, trying to erase any signs of his previous edginess over the subject.

“Oh come on…I waited for a long time, you know.” Ohno answered roguishly as Nino grabbed the older man’s left arm and manhandled him up the staircase in the direction of the dressing room. The captive pretended to try to free himself (because everyone knew that Nino wouldn’t stand a chance if Ohno really tried) from his capturer’s grip, but ultimately let himself get dragged along as the two idols mumbled out their thank you’s to each other and the cameraman.

Taking his cue perfectly, the cameraman bowed out embarrassedly as Ohno patted Nino intimately in the middle of his lower back.

…and Nino suddenly found himself completely alone with Ohno as they continued up the stairs to the awaiting room.

Once they had hurled themselves into the safety behind the heavy wooden door, Nino spun on his heels to glare at the older man. “You,” he bit out through his teeth, “have some explaining to do.”

Arashi’s leader looked completed unperturbed by the other boy’s tone of voice, instead, he threw off his cold mask and baseball cap and reclined on the sofa, picking up a discarded Popolo lying on the table in front of him. “What do you mean, Nino?” Ohno asked innocently, hiding his face behind the periodical.

“See,” Nino hissed, feeling quite cross at this point, “this is what I am talking about!” He gestured wildly between himself and the other man. “You’ve been shrugging me off all day. What is going on?! It’s as if…”

“It’s as if…?” Ohno repeated, raising an eyebrow at the younger man from behind the magazine, an action that went unnoticed by the recipient.

“It’s as if…you don’t like me hanging around you anymore.” Nino exhaled heavily, his voice low. “You don’t want me touching you anymore, right? Eleven years and you’ve finally had enough. Well, I don’t blame you, it’s not like it’s normal for best friends to grab at each other’s asses and nipples on a regular basis.”

Ohno lowered the magazine slowly. “Is that what you really think, Ninomiya?”

Nino flinched visibly at the other’s use of his former name in such a stern tone. The older man stood up gracefully, his face completely wiped of any readable expression, and Nino found himself backing away from the other as Ohno approached him.

“That’s right.” Ohno spoke deliberately, enunciating every syllable. “I hate it.”

By this time Nino had been forced into a corner, the washed-out walls surrounding his person. His eyes widened at what the older man was saying as he desperately tried to quell the stabs of pain throbbing in his chest.

“I hate it when you touch me. I hate it when you cling to me. I hate that you think we’re just best friends. But most of all, I hate that it means nothing to you.”

The stinging sensation in Nino’s gut flared up violently as he listened to Ohno articulate his opinions, but the feeling soon melted into confusion as he watched the other back off with a small sigh.

A pause. The corners of Ohno’s mouth curled into an amused half-smile.

“Ah, I was hoping you’d be the one to do it, but it seems like my plan sort of backfired,” the older man sing-songed lightly, pressing forward again.

“What are you talking about?!” Nino’s gaze unconsciously settled on Ohno’s lips.

“Are you frustrated, Nino-chan? You were supposed to be annoyed at me - annoyed enough to make a move you see…” Ohno landed a palm on expanse of wall on either side of Nino’s head.


“…I didn’t realize you had no confidence in our relationship,” he continued, ignoring Nino’s puzzlement, and pressing their foreheads together, forcing the younger one to look into his eyes.

“Kazu, I like you.”

Ohno inhaled in the surprised gasp that Nino emitted in response to his confession, melding his lips against those of the younger boy without waiting for a reply.

The kiss was chaste in nature, but executed without hesitation as Ohno’s mouth slid against Nino’s, using his leverage against the wall to lift the younger boy’s chin into the contact. Nino’s eyelids fluttered shut as his senses were assaulted by everything Satoshi.

Ohno broke away after a few heartbeats; his self-assurance seemed to waver a bit.

“Kazu,” he breathed against Nino’s skin, “I need to know if this is okay.”

The younger boy inclined his head against the other’s torso, grinning sloppily into Ohno’s shoulder to hide the smile from the older man. Gently, he reached for one of Ohno’s hands without looking and intertwined the long, elegant digits with his own stubby fingers.

“Satoshi,” he mumbled against the plaid cotton of the other’s outer shirt, “this is more than okay.”

Ohno beamed lopsidedly, his cheek against Nino’s soft hair.

“…but you’re still a stupid bastard for making me so upset today,” Nino finished, his irises sparkling in mirth.

“I only learn from the best,” Ohno declared smugly, taking the time after his statement to twist his other hand into Nino’s free hand and holding both of their entangled hands against the cool surface of the wall.

The older man leaned forward again, plastering his frame against Nino’s as he smashed their mouths together. This time however, the contact strayed from innocence as Ohno brushed his tongue along the line of Nino’s lower lip, wetting the skin, before nudging at the pliant lips to part them. Nino whimpered slightly into Ohno’s inviting mouth as the latter proceeded to tantalizingly slip his tongue along the side of Nino’s own.

The room was soon lit up with soft groans and thick breathing as the two idols pawed at each other through the barrier of thin fabrics, their fingers caressing every centimeter of exposed skin. Someway along the way, Ohno’s black t-shirt had been pushed up to expose his chest, and Nino was clawing at his own outfit. The Love Rainbow stylist was going to kill him later for messing up his assigned clothing, but frankly, he was beyond caring as he caressed his partner’s exposed nipples, flicking at them blithely with his blunt nails.

Ohno may have long been desensitized to Nino’s public, quotidian touches, but in this context, he found himself wholly turned on by the other’s movements. He bumped knees with the younger boy as he pushed a thigh in between Nino’s stiff legs, using the newfound interaction to grind his hips into Nino’s jutting pelvic bone.

An obscene moan slipped past Nino’s lips at the pressure the older man was inducing against his side; he clutched frantically at the heated skin of Ohno’s back, pulling him close to rain fleeting kisses along the long expanse of neck the action presented to him. Ohno reluctantly peeled his upper body away from Nino to use the separation to rip the younger man’s long-sleeved shirt over his head.

A pale flush crossed the apples of Nino’s cheeks as Ohno licked his lips while ogling the younger’s now bare chest, his gaze immediately locking onto Nino’s uncovered nipples. Ohno palmed them roughly while resuming the shallow thrusts against the other’s hipbone.

“You have no idea how long I waited to do this,” the older man murmured hotly against the pale junction between Nino’s jawline and neck.

Nino was unable to respond with anything but a long, slightly high-pitched wail, his head thrown back, as Ohno slid down the length of the younger’s body to dip his head towards his prize, grazing his moist lips against Nino’s right nipple. The rough pad of Ohno’s tongue poked out to skim across the nub, his whole mouth now clamped over the area to generate suction.

Nino scratched at the waistband of Ohno’s jeans with trembling hands, fumbling with the front button, as the other continued his ministrations to Nino’s chest. The two men panted against each other, both glistening with perspiration as they moved wildly against each other.

At some point during the frantic groping, Nino’s hand had disappeared into Ohno’s pants, eliciting gasping sighs from the older man with every squeeze and twist the younger’s fingers produced. Not wanting to be outdone, Ohno reached around to fondle at Nino’s rear, a feat that would usually end up in the younger boy batting away his curious hands, but today it only fueled the heat between the two as Nino let out a low growl and tugged the older man against him.

“Don’t..tease…Satoshi…” Nino huffed in between slick, chaotic kisses with the other’s puffy lips. With the hand that wasn’t preoccupied with the hardness in Ohno’s pants, Nino reached behind him to seize the other man’s roving hand and shoved their now combined unit down the back of his stonewashed jeans.

Ohno grinned as his fingertips swept over the smooth skin of Nino’s ass, curling his hand over to knead at the expanse of flesh.

Ultimately, the two men ended up on the couch, Ohno wedged in between Nino’s naked thighs as he rocked his hips into slender frame beneath him, drawing out pleasured cries from the younger boy. The friction between bodies echoed lewdly throughout the otherwise vacant building.

The weight between their forms built up steadily as their coupling became increasingly rapid and erratic, the need to finish urging them on. Their movements synchronized flawlessly, as they abandoned all senses in favor of tracing the sinewy muscles of wherever their hands could reach.

When the pressure became nearly unbearable, the strokes swelled to a feverish pace, and Nino strained to pinch at Ohno’s behind, urging the older man closer, faster, anything to release the burning in the pit of his abdomen. (“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” Nino screamed repeatedly in his head, clinging onto the word as if it were a lifeline.)

With an abnormally shrill moan, Nino felt himself burst at the seams, unraveling his person, as he sobbed in ecstasy through the sensation shuddering within his slight frame. Ohno leaned down to press soft kisses on the corners of the younger boy’s lips, absorbing the sight of the other man in a state of bliss under artificial lighting.

The sensual sighs Nino puffed out during his high drove Ohno over the edge of no return as he convulsed against the other’s body, freeing the tension that had piled up throughout the lovemaking.

“Satoshi,” Nino exhaled erotically, rubbing his fingertips into the fine coils of golden hair on the back of Ohno’s neck.

“Kazu,” Ohno mocked teasingly. Nino stuck the tip of his pink tongue out at the speaker, and the two idols picked themselves up to redress properly.

“…won’t you have dinner with me?” the younger man asked, suddenly feeling extremely shy.

“No, no, I won’t!” Ohno replied, chuckling slightly to himself.

Nino frowned. (“…so he can have his way with me but he won’t have dinner with me?! Great lover I’ve got.” The sarcasm was apparent even in Nino’s head.)

“I’d rather eat Kazu for dinner!” the older man finished, looking proud of himself for coming up with the response.

Nino’s hand swung around to slap Ohno’s shoulder with a resounding thud. “You’re such an idiot, Oh-chan.”

“I know,” Ohno answered, a pretty smile crossing his expression. “But I’m your idiot, and you love me.”

Nino said nothing, but his eyes were shining happily behind long bangs as he pulled Ohno out of the room.

(“I love you,” Nino’s heart sang out in confirmation.)

ohmiya, arashi, fanfiction

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