KC Weekend - Final Post

May 08, 2009 04:55

So, dearhearts, to recap our visit thus far to Kansas City:  we ate, visited the Kansas City Public Library, ate, visited the used bookstore, and ate (we also sat in a great many cars which we had no intention of buying and a couple with potential).  So, what to do on our last day?  We were tired of eating out, so it was a fend for yourself day in ( Read more... )

bojojoti family, books, travels

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Comments 24

snofox May 8 2009, 10:32:05 UTC
Hehe... the photos are great but I can't stop laughing at that last paragraph!

*chuckles some more*


bojojoti May 8 2009, 18:48:53 UTC
I don't know what's worse--being the driver or being the passenger channeling the sympathy stress!


arevanye May 8 2009, 10:44:33 UTC
I always get teased by my hubby about my "sympathy braking", where I shove my foot at the floorboards to help slow down the car when he is driving.


bojojoti May 8 2009, 18:49:19 UTC
I'm not alone!


krikketgirl May 8 2009, 10:59:25 UTC
You have the most delightful stories! I love them all!


bojojoti May 8 2009, 18:49:36 UTC


detroitfather May 8 2009, 15:12:44 UTC
This reminds me of our family vacations. Last summer, we were going through Springfield, MO, and missed a tornado by 5 minutes or less.

Then, on our recent Cincinnati trip (which I forgot to do the 2nd and 3rd posts about), one of our ideas turned out to be something that looked good in the tourism book, but was disappointing in person. So, we all went to Barnes & Nobles and bought books and drank Starbucks.


bojojoti May 8 2009, 19:10:05 UTC
We did have a wall cloud "follow" us to Topeka and later discovered that there had been a tornado touch down; however, we were blissfully unaware until after the fact ( ... )


jennifleur May 8 2009, 15:34:15 UTC
It looks like you had a great time (love the front of the library building!) and yikes! That's some serious rain to have to drive through!


bojojoti May 8 2009, 19:11:42 UTC
It was raining so hard that visibility was practically zero. We would have pulled off the side of the road, but we were concerned we would be hit. It seemed safer to keep moving. Besides there were flash floods, and it seemed best to stay on the road and try to drive out of it.


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