KC Weekend - Final Post

May 08, 2009 04:55

So, dearhearts, to recap our visit thus far to Kansas City:  we ate, visited the Kansas City Public Library, ate, visited the used bookstore, and ate (we also sat in a great many cars which we had no intention of buying and a couple with potential).  So, what to do on our last day?  We were tired of eating out, so it was a fend for yourself day in the kitchen (mmm, cold cereal).  Afterward, we headed to Oak Park Mall.  Which has the nicest Barnes and Noble!

This is the jaded smile from a non-reader who has been dragged to too many bookstores and photographed excessively (in her opinion).  The Glitterati get a bit testy with the paparazzi from time to time.

The Digerati eagerly peruses the latest technological breakthroughs, while the Illuminati patiently waits for his brood to finish their retail wanderings.

The Literati (not pictured) found a paperback of Beauty by Robin McKinley.  The library back home didn't have it, and it was the book club selection for the month.

The poor Snoozerati catches a few ZZZs before her next shift in a few hours (we need to pick weekends to visit in which you don't work, Bumberjean--and sorry about the photo, but you are cute in it, and the sign over your head seems appropriate).

Too soon, it was time to return home.  The rain pummeled us nearly all the way home.  I didn't photograph the worst of it, because I needed to be tense to help Mr. Bojo drive.  Once we could actually see the road again, I relaxed enough to pull out the camera and take a photo.  It's not easy being a supportive spouse and maintaining the tension necessary to drive through a rough stretch!

bojojoti family, books, travels

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