Title: The Phoney War, Chapter Eleven: Gauntlet
Setting: Fullmetal Alchemist, mangaverse, post-series,
slight ending AU.
Characters: Roy/Ed, Havoc/Rebecca, Riza/Miles, Al, Winry, ensemble.
Rating/content: NC-17 overall, this chapter a light R for violence and swears.
Word count: 5603
Summary: Two years on from the Promised Day. Amestris is
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Comments 20
Please do, bbs! o______o
...oh mah gawd your Garfiel he is perfect you are perfect this is the perfect thing to save this incredibly boring day of work and I am full of love~
“Fuck this shit!” Ed yelled, throwing his hands up. “Fuck it right in the ear!”
And the award for Ed-est first Ed line in a chapter goes to YOU, NO CONTEST. :'DDDD
“Of course I will,” Al said, with feeling. “I promise.” He put his fist out, and Ed hauled himself off the sofa to bump it.
*Tierfal's Tumblr voice, which hates punctuation on principle* I am having too many feelingssssssssssss
“Say goodbye to Zozimos, brother. Tell him how much you’re going to miss him and that we’ll see him soon.”
I love how much this is not at all an option; it's an ORDER, and Ed is going to follow it. XDDDD
Meow, said the basket, in the saddest voice in the world.I made a huge sadface just now, and I am not ashamed ( ... )
He shuffled a bit. It was always difficult to stay in place when he felt off-kilter.
This is a gorgeous detail, and so utterly, utterly Ed to me -- I was thinking the other day about how I see Roy as so verbal and cerebral; and Ed as overwhelmingly physical. And you've touched on that already here, with how hard it is for Ed to articulate things, but the difficulty is part of what makes him realize how important it is to other people, and... *rambles off a cliff*
How amazing was that, that Ed could say something so weird and express it so badly, and Roy just got it?
“Hey,” he said. “Tell me you’re bulletproof.” /“That,” Roy said, “would be a bit of a fib.”
Oh God this is so cute and so THEM that I am hurting inside. It hurts so good-- x___x ( ... )
- yes, I see Ed as someone who tends to feel and express things with his whole body. He's crazy smart, to be sure, but I think it challenges him to verbalise his feelings, sometimes. I think it's a skill that he'd get better at, though, given enough time and the right circumstances. Several years into a relationship with verbal, cerebral Roy, and I think Ed would pick up on some of his stuff.
- \o/ that you mentioned Rebecca's letter. I enjoyed writing it, a lot. It's a new side of her to show.
- thank you for loving the suspense! And no, it's never that easy. >_>
- I love the radio guys, they're having such a blast with it all! I do enjoy the ensemble cast, which is easy to do because Arakawa makes even her walk-ons rich and memorable!
- I've also ( ... )
ajfkdsjfldajfldsajldfsa yes thissssss ♥
I think it was actually one of the parts with Al when I most realized… either when he's walking by the river and gets attacked by the Bad Dudes or one of the many times he's taking the Metro - your Central just felt so REAL and SPECIFIC and ALIVE, and the whole fic is like that, where it all just rings absolutely true. :D
thank you for remembering Katie Flowers!
omg. Just. I was in a bit of a sulky mood because my computer had just died, so I gave Riderless Horse a miss and went for the fic with straight-up pairing stuff in it, which basically worked out to mean that my first real introduction to this storyline was that first chapter. And I specifically remember sort of going along, "Okay, interesting, politics whee, Rebecca is funny… what. What. No. What. No, she has to li- No author would do that. No au- WHAT. WHAT. ( ... )
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