Title: The Phoney War, Chapter Eleven: Gauntlet
Setting: Fullmetal Alchemist, mangaverse, post-series,
slight ending AU.
Characters: Roy/Ed, Havoc/Rebecca, Riza/Miles, Al, Winry, ensemble.
Rating/content: NC-17 overall, this chapter a light R for violence and swears.
Word count: 5603
Summary: Two years on from the Promised Day. Amestris is
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ajfkdsjfldajfldsajldfsa yes thissssss ♥
I think it was actually one of the parts with Al when I most realized… either when he's walking by the river and gets attacked by the Bad Dudes or one of the many times he's taking the Metro - your Central just felt so REAL and SPECIFIC and ALIVE, and the whole fic is like that, where it all just rings absolutely true. :D
thank you for remembering Katie Flowers!
omg. Just. I was in a bit of a sulky mood because my computer had just died, so I gave Riderless Horse a miss and went for the fic with straight-up pairing stuff in it, which basically worked out to mean that my first real introduction to this storyline was that first chapter. And I specifically remember sort of going along, "Okay, interesting, politics whee, Rebecca is funny… what. What. No. What. No, she has to li- No author would do that. No au- WHAT. WHAT. NOOOOOOOOO!" …and it was just one of the tensest, tightest, most staggering scenes I had ever read in a fic, and I was totally hooked. :D
ajfklsdajklfsa ♥
(Translation: If by "thoughtful" you mean "prone to keyboardsmashing", I am oh-so happy to oblige! XDD)
Ahhh, I am a mean author! That was totally what I was going for with that scene. As is probably obvious by now, I love mysteries where you get to know the murder victim after their death by finding all about their complicated life. Anyway, thank you for saying such nice things about it. So flattered! <3 <3 <3
(I'm actually really pleased with how The Riderless Horse came out. But no pairings at all! Not even my usual bucket of UST, just bromance and plotty plot. XD)
That also feels so genuine to me... every time I'm at a funeral, sobbing because mortality, why, it's like this entirely new person emerges out of the things other people knew about them that I didn't. The way you just seem to GET stuff like that -- this is sort of a weird thing to say, but one of the things I love about your fic is that I can tell you have this wisdom of experience, and it makes the characters' interior worlds that much deeper.
Haha, I don't know about wisdom of experience, but I do try to put stuff like that in. The crazier the stuff the characters get mixed up in, the more I want their experiences on an emotional level to feel real and recognisable. I don't know that I always get there, but it's one of my constant goals in writing so thanks for saying lovely things about it. <3
(And ohoho look, Team Anti-Saxon! So great together. ;;;_;;; Jack making them all tea in Martha's student flat kills me. BTW, tangent note, Martha's medical school/hospital is a thinly-disguised Guy's and St. Thomas', which was my wife's medical school. She loved having a self-insert in the TARDIS, and was flailing when her hospital ended up on the moon.)
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