Nostalgic post

Sep 08, 2019 18:04

It needs to be said: I miss LJ. Pillowfort hasn't quite worked out as I'd hoped (because I'm lazy/old/bad at making new friends - take your pick), though the platform improves steadily. I've had over a decade here and this structure just GETS ME, ya know? Or maybe that's the laziness again ( Read more... )

powerpoint, friends, illustration, pictures, work, the blues, computer fall down go boom, misty watercolor memories, blurgleweegsnazzer, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, superheroes

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Comments 15

brumeier September 9 2019, 00:08:13 UTC
Your co-workers must seriously love you. Your fanart for them is amazeballs!

I feel you on LJ. I'm better at getting around DW these days, but it's not quite the same. Nothing ever is. I haven't ventured too far away, though. I tried out Discord for like a day, and noped right out of there. So I'll keep haunting LJ and double posting there from DW.

My condolences on your mouse. I have a rollerball mouse that recently bit the dust, so I'm using just a "normal" one until I can replace it. I'm not enjoying it.

::hugs for Blythe::


blythechild September 9 2019, 18:01:58 UTC
I like making my co-workers' eyeballs roll around in their skulls. They don't believe you can do these things in PowerPoint, AND they don't see creativity all around them. It's something I'm trying to slowly and benevolently beat out of them ;)

I joined Discord as well, but it wasn't for me (and the messaging was super-distracting). My DW account has long since lapsed and I won't be going back. I keep posting here because this account is permanent, and then I crosspost to Pillowfort when i feel like it. I'm active on Twitter as well, but it's too toxic an environment to showcase fanart, so I just lurk there. But I miss the big bangs and the Shoobies and comment_fic... *cries quietly*

Husband has promised to buy me a new mouse. Right after he stops laughing at me >:/

*hugs you back*


brumeier September 9 2019, 20:42:03 UTC
I didn't think you could do that in PP either, so kudos to you for thinking outside the box!

We miss you too, Blythe! ::passes over tissues::


draycevixen September 9 2019, 16:30:25 UTC
I know that fandom feeling all too well. I always think I'm done as well but... yeah.

I bet your colleagues love you. Such great art, I love the sense of movement in it.

DW has picked up a lot of energy since Tumblr got stupid about 'nipples' etc but it's still not like LJ in its heyday.


blythechild September 9 2019, 17:53:59 UTC
I'm dabbling in different fandoms trying to find a good fit, but I have some unfinished CM stuff I'm still working on. Technically, it's not over until the show goes dark, but CM has been marginal for YEARS now. It's sad, really.

NB squealed when she saw this, and then despaired that she would never be as cool as her superhero-self. I've been illustrating so much in PPT that my stuff is starting to get ludicrous.

Pillowfort picked up steam after the Tumblr purge as well, but it's mostly 20-somethings who are busy oversharing and discussing which pronouns they prefer. I'm having a hard time relating, tbh. PF sorted out their image insert function, so now it's a good place for me to upload stuff, though I still use LJ has my artwork archive because of the gallery tools and sizing options. I got so fed up with DM that I let my account lapse.


draycevixen September 9 2019, 18:47:33 UTC

I'm enjoying DW mainly because I have old LJ friends who moved there and have met some new people along the way in a range of age groups/life experiences.

It's also the site for most challenges now and you know I enjoy that insanity... well, some of the time.

What I really miss is the dedicated fandom coms which don't seem to be much of a deal anymore.


blythechild September 9 2019, 18:50:30 UTC
DW. Typo.

CM hasn't done a widespread challenge in ages. There's one hosted on Ao3, but it's the same 10 people each time, and they are all Hotch/Reid fans, so... I miss the challenges though.


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