Nostalgic post

Sep 08, 2019 18:04

It needs to be said: I miss LJ. Pillowfort hasn't quite worked out as I'd hoped (because I'm lazy/old/bad at making new friends - take your pick), though the platform improves steadily. I've had over a decade here and this structure just GETS ME, ya know? Or maybe that's the laziness again...

Someone filled a long-forgotten prompt of mine over on comment_fic, and it got me in the feels. Not just for the heyday of LJ but also for the Criminal Minds fandom. I'm trying to find a new outlet for all of that fandom energy, but nothing has caught my eye yet. It was the same way when I gave up on V for Vendetta - I keep forgetting that and fearing that I'll never fan again (insert dramatic pearl-clutching here). Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids...

And in other meaningless updates, my Razer mouse just died (spectacularly - like, I thought I heard a tiny trumpet playing Taps at its demise) and I'm stuck with a clunky Microsoft one. It's hampering my design hang-time something fierce. The husband just laughs at my pouty tech-ranting like it's the most ADORABLE thing. Jerkwater >:/

Anyway, if you're still reading this, here's some eye stuff. Another colleague-turned-superhero. My co-worker, NB, as a character from Attack On Titan (which I knew nothing about until she asked for it and I Googled extensively):

Made in PowerPoint.

powerpoint, friends, illustration, pictures, work, the blues, computer fall down go boom, misty watercolor memories, blurgleweegsnazzer, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, superheroes

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