This happened.

Feb 27, 2018 09:51

In email conversation with a friend ( Read more... )

wait...what?, the state of the blythe, friends, weirdness

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Comments 5

draycevixen February 27 2018, 17:07:34 UTC
You should always have a plan!

There have been near misses that I've been amused by though (after the fact). On the interstate I've almost been killed, on different occasions, by a large old fashioned hearse and a truck full of pork products both failing to check their blind spot.

In both cases, I've been inappropriately delighted by how the newspaper headlines would have read. :D


blythechild February 27 2018, 17:43:51 UTC
Oh, the truck full of pork would've been most unfortunate... o_O


amberdreams February 27 2018, 21:36:04 UTC
What's a heirloom potato?


blythechild February 27 2018, 21:53:11 UTC
It's like an heirloom tomato but can do more damage >;D


amberdreams February 27 2018, 22:24:08 UTC
Mmm I think I'd go for a heirloom courgette myself.


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