Honestly, fandom... *sighs and walks away*

Nov 16, 2017 16:06

Today is a day where I question putting up with people on the internet at all.

I'm in the final stretch of a work-in-progress, which started out as one thing and then morphed into another along the way. During this process, a collection of readers (or one really pissed off one who logs in with different usernames to Ao3) have loudly declared that ( Read more... )

asshole douchebaggery, stories from the far side, blythe is gonna blow, stop the world - i wanna get off, fanfiction, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, thanks for nothing, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, fuck off

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Comments 10

sandrasfisher November 16 2017, 21:15:24 UTC
I am sorry to hear that what's going on with you. People who are like that need to realize the story isn't real life. What going on with the story is all in the writer's mind it's for entertainment only. If they do not like what's going on with the story then they can kindly go read something else.


thesmallhobbit November 16 2017, 21:44:49 UTC
It comes back to that old favourite "If you don't like it, don't read it." Just a shame some people don't think it applies to them.

Most of my stuff on AO3 is posted with moderated commenting on, because some people decided I treated a character harshly and came to rant at me.


blythechild November 17 2017, 14:18:23 UTC
Exactly. Why people linger with a story they don't like reading is beyond me.


katleept November 16 2017, 22:04:59 UTC
Some readers have such gall! I'm sorry this one is getting to you so hard. Is there not a way to block people on AO3? This is one of the reasons why I love LJ so much: I never get this mess on LJ but used to always have problems with AO3, FFN, and even occasionally on the old Yahoo Groups.

In fact, I had one person one time get p.o.ed because she didn't like that I wrote a certain pairing. She was on MY mailing list for receiving all my stories. She'd signed up of her own real. And then she had the audacity to get pissed at me for sending a story with that pairing! Needless to say, I made sure she didn't get anything else she didn't want from me, including ANY stories. It also ended a "friendship" that had lasted several years up to that point.

I still think of her some days.

But above all, don't write for them, and don't NOT write for them. Write for YOU always.


blythechild November 17 2017, 14:25:42 UTC
You can moderate comments on Ao3 (and block users, but they can just log in under a different username and circumvent that), but I hate the idea of censorship. I want people to talk about what they read, but these comments AREN'T a conversation - they are just the same declarations of disappointment over and over. Like I said, they aren't ostensibly rude, but they are terribly passive-aggressive, and sometimes that's worse than being bullied or called something off-color.


amberdreams November 16 2017, 22:34:38 UTC
Um. WHUT? People are just such entitled fucking wankers, basically, and online they get worse at hiding it. *sigh*

What a tit.


blythechild November 17 2017, 14:21:45 UTC
Sometimes I forget that humanity is hopeless. People can be marvelous, but humanity is a shit.


brumeier November 18 2017, 15:51:43 UTC
Ugh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with that! ::hugs:: The sense of entitlement that runs through fandom can be so ridiculous. We write and post stories for free. Because we want to share them. It's not a business. There are no shareholders who get to have input. Sigh.

I just deleted a comment the other day on one of my stories. First time. But it was a person that was also harassing a friend of mine via comments to her fic, so I knew it would be pointless to engage. Any comment that start out This is bullshit isn't worth my time. Troll.

And they're not worth yours either.


blythechild November 18 2017, 16:25:42 UTC
Somebody actually wrote that??? "This is bullshit"? Wow. I haven't reached that level yet. I don't understand the persistence involved in this sort of thing. If I hate something, I get bored and wander off...


brumeier November 18 2017, 19:26:43 UTC
I feel like some people have way too much time on their hands. It seems like they go out of their way to seek out stuff they hate just so they can tell you how much they hate it.

I once got a nasty review on a kidfic, and the commentor stated how much they hate kidfic. So then...don't read fic tagged with that? Like...duh?

If I read a thing and I don't care for it, I just quietly back out. And I always read the tags, because if it's something I really don't like why would I take the time to read it anyway?


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