Honestly, fandom... *sighs and walks away*

Nov 16, 2017 16:06

Today is a day where I question putting up with people on the internet at all.

I'm in the final stretch of a work-in-progress, which started out as one thing and then morphed into another along the way. During this process, a collection of readers (or one really pissed off one who logs in with different usernames to Ao3) have loudly declared that the relationship I'm writing about is unfixable and that I've portrayed one character as "manipulative". The comments aren't overtly rude, but the overarching sentiment is that I've made a HUGE MISTAKE and WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING THIS STUPID? Then they throw in an "loving this tho, update soon!" or something equally double-faced.

Listen up readers: just because you haven't called me a HACK to my face doesn't mean that you aren't being incredibly insulting. Your suggestions do not make it into my writing. Repeating the same complaints over and over, week after week, only proves to me that you have too much time on your hands/have an inflated view of your role in this process. If you "can't see how this will resolve realistically", stop reading. Pretty simple, isn't it? It's fucking fan fiction. Get a grip.

While I refuse to be knocked off course by this, it doesn't mean that I'm immune to how much it pisses me off. I wish I were.

Oh, and also... I'm sick of people telling me how they'd love to read my stuff but they can't stand the characters I write about or the pairings I use. It raises the question: how do they know they'd love to read my stuff if they've... NEVER READ MY STUFF??? You can defend your 'ships all you want, but don't engage WITH ME to tell me mine are shit. Fuck. Off. You. Entitled. Wankers.

Fandom, just how far up your own ass can you get? It makes a woman want to throw in the towel some days >:/

asshole douchebaggery, stories from the far side, blythe is gonna blow, stop the world - i wanna get off, fanfiction, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, thanks for nothing, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, fuck off

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