
Jan 31, 2017 12:42

I've been watching the nightly updates from Trumptopia on the news with escalating disbelief. Seriously, how is it even possible that a man of his years be so childish and completely unable to handle himself? Does he even have a staff? Does ANYONE down in that building know what the damn plan is ( Read more... )

asshole douchebaggery, shut up!, stop the world - i wanna get off, fucktwittery, pictures, thanks for nothing, politics, this is why we can't have nice things, news

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Comments 12

amberdreams January 31 2017, 22:42:03 UTC
I'm with you 100%. I am continually horrified that my Republican friends have swallowed his lines and now post anything and everything that tells them the news that criticises him in any way is wrong, fake, misleading, lies... These are supposed to be intelligent, educated women and they are deliberately, wilfully blind. And that part is almost worse than Trump himself because THAT is what Hitler's regime was built on. Compllicity, refusal to believe the blindingly obvious because they a) don't want to admit they made a mistake and b) only have one agenda - pro life.


zara_zee February 1 2017, 00:24:18 UTC
Oh the 'pro life' thing really frustrates me. What was one of the first acts of Trumps administration? To dismantle The Affordable Care Act, which means children in poverty won't have the same access to health care. Pro life, my arse. They're pro forcing-a-woman-to-give-birth; they don't care what happens to the 'life' she gives birth to...


amberdreams February 1 2017, 09:51:23 UTC
That picture going round of a fetus in the womb and a Syrian refugee child in desperate straits pretty much sums it up for me. They are all for saving a barely there creature over an actual live, suffering but Muslim child.


zara_zee February 1 2017, 11:27:36 UTC
Yep. Agree.


chamekke January 31 2017, 23:35:17 UTC
Fellow Canadian here, freshly back from a local solidarity vigil with our local Muslim community. Like most of us, I've been thinking about almost nothing but Quebec City over the past two days.

On Sunday evening, a lone gunman entered a Quebec mosque during prayers and shot up the place. 6 worshipers were killed and 19 were injured. Our country is united in its disgust at this. But today I heard that Trump referenced the mosque shooting in defense of his illegal and unconstitutional travel ban from selected Muslim countries.As you're probably aware, early reports stated that 2 men had been taken into custody, one of them had a Muslim name. It later transpired that the Muslim gentleman was a witness, one of the worshippers in the mosque, and had actually contacted 911 to summon the police. However, Trump, Spicer and co. immediately jumped to the convenient (but false) conclusion that the violence was committed by Islamic extremists. Of course, the man whom police have now identified as the sole gunman turns out to be a white ( ... )


chamekke February 1 2017, 05:12:08 UTC
Aaaand they're still at it, the bastards:

PMO [Prime Minister's Office] slams Fox News for incorrect tweet about Quebec City shooting suspect

(The "Moroccan shooting suspect" refers to the man who Quebec police have acknowledged was a witness, NOT a suspect.)


amberdreams February 1 2017, 09:54:30 UTC
I'm gobsmacked, we totally missed Trump trying to blame Islamist extremists - I think the BBC reported it as a probable right wing terrorist almost immediately. All this misprepresentation and downright lying is really making me so mad.


zara_zee February 1 2017, 00:18:04 UTC
It's crazy, isn't it? It seems fairly obvious that an act of hatred toward a Muslim place of worship is going to be committed by someone who doesn't like Muslims. Someone like a Trump supporting conservative, perhaps? Surely that was the more logical conclusion?

But of course none of this is logical.

FBI statistics show that, overwhelmingly, the vast majority of mass shooters in the USA are white men. So if protecting America is the aim, surely Trump would be better to ban white men from entering the country? Yes?

And what about Saudi Arabians? Fifteen of the nineteen 911 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Why not ban Saudi Arabians from entering the country if protecting Americans is the goal?

Oh that's right. Trump has substantial business interests in Saudi Arabia...

It's all such bullshit and I can't believe that people are being...as Amber put it...so wilfully blind.


amberdreams February 1 2017, 09:57:29 UTC
They pointed out straight away that none of the 7 countries that are on Trump's banned list have been responsible for any terrorist activity in the US. And that the countries that did supply the 9/11 and other terrorists were NOT on the banned list - maybe because Trump has hotels there.


zara_zee February 1 2017, 11:26:33 UTC
Yes, exactly. Which is why I get so cross when people, with that wilful blindness, insist that it's all about keeping Americans safe. :(


amberdreams February 1 2017, 11:47:59 UTC
This whole business has seriously lowered my respect for these friends of mine - it was bad enough during the election, but the way they are behaving now is worse.


brumeier February 1 2017, 01:51:18 UTC
Yes, Muslims are clearly the problem. ::rolls eyes:: I don't understand how so much of the American public - my public, for goodness sake - can be so incredibly illogical, blind and just plain ignorant. And that includes the members of my extended family that voted for 45 (as Laurence Fishburne refers to the pres).

Every day I check in with current events is a day I feel sick and angry.

In my lighter moments, I like to think that Trumps ultimate plan is to unite Americans against a common enemy - himself. Because why else would he hit so many hot-button topics his first frickin' week in office? It would be smarter to lull the general public into a false sense of security and then slip things in.

Some days I just want to crawl inside one of my fanfics and live there instead.


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