I've been watching the nightly updates from Trumptopia on the news with escalating disbelief. Seriously, how is it even possible that a man of his years be so childish and completely unable to handle himself? Does he even have a staff? Does ANYONE down in that building know what the damn plan is?
Our Prime Minister is facing problems here. He's not perfect and the bloom is wearing off his charm but he's still doing the job. He goes out and faces irate citizens, he admits to screwing up, and I think he has a greater understanding of how little a government can get done immediately. It's a long game. I'm still 100% glad that he's in power, especially in light of the fucktwittery happening south of us.
On Sunday evening, a lone gunman entered a Quebec mosque during prayers and shot up the place. 6 worshipers were killed and 19 were injured. Our country is united in its disgust at this. But today I heard that Trump referenced the mosque shooting in defense of his illegal and unconstitutional travel ban from selected Muslim countries. It was a sort of "See what happens when you're a bleeding heart Liberal? I'm right and everyone else is wrong - you'll all see". NOW I am actively disgusted with him. People fucking DIED. Died while being peaceful and living in harmony with their community. They died because some xenophobic little shit decided that HIS opinion on this matter trumped (and I use that word deliberately) all others. He was also Canadian, white, and allegedly well educated. The event holds NO PARALLELS to Trump's travel ban at all. And yet President Tangerine Dream is using it as proof that his dictatorship-like tactics are right and necessary, lest America becomes like Canada.
I fucking hate this guy. I hate what he's doing to his own country. I hate that a huge portion of its citizenry feel scared about lives they used to take for granted as safe and protected. I hate his polarization strategy, his absolute disregard for the truth, and the way he looks down on everyone who doesn't think like him. There's nothing "for the people" about that kind of narcissistic snobbery.
Fuck, America... just... fuuuucccck.