bau_fic disappears, leaves fans to pick up the cheque.

Jan 21, 2017 18:01

So, I wrote something, posted it up on Ao3, and then came here to cross-post it in a fandom-related community as I always do... only to find that the community has been deleted without notice. Yeah, there weren't a lot of people posting there anymore, but to just up and leave the party without even a NOTE TO COMM MEMBERS THAT YOU WERE GOING TO DO IT is just plain. fucking. rude. Criminal Minds fans are some of the most apathetic ones I've ever encountered but I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have developed the following that I now have if it weren't for fandom comms to cross-post and advertise in. I understand that LJ is under siege since the servers relocated to Russia but I feel as if the mods of bau_fic just personally slapped me in the face.

And people wonder why fandom conversations are an endangered species...

criminal minds, blythe is gonna blow, stop the world - i wanna get off, pissed off, thanks for nothing, fandom, fuck off, this is why we can't have nice things

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