Get Off Your M*therf#*king Phone. Now.

Dec 05, 2013 12:44

Since I work with advertising and public relations people all day, every day - I am a little oversensitive about cell phone usage. I also get run over about 3 times a day on average by people walking through my neighborhood while texting/surfing the web and not paying any attention at all to how dangerous stepping on me life can be ( Read more... )

people who haz tha phunny, asshole douchebaggery, stop the world - i wanna get off, list, youtube, litany of woe, video, woulda shoulda coulda, unsolicted opinions, this is why we can't have nice things, stupidity, oh come on!, blythe is gonna blow, fucktwittery, the element of awesomite, omgwtf, stupid f*cking phone!

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Comments 9

draycevixen December 5 2013, 18:15:57 UTC

This all looks good to me and I always enjoy a little Rhett and Link.

That said, I avoid most of this by only having a basic cell phone and MG being the only person who has the number.

Yes, I'm a bit of a technological luddite, thanks for noticing...


blythechild December 5 2013, 18:36:33 UTC
Well, MB and I only just got a data plan for our cell phones. We tend to use them as *GASP!* phones.

Being a member of a generation that predated answering machines, call waiting, voicemail, and has fond memories of phone booths, I have a low threshold for people who act as though their phone are their lifelines. Nothing is that important >:/


vegawriters December 5 2013, 21:41:49 UTC
My phone is my lifeline, honestly. But I do get annoyed when people misuse them - especially in terms of driving. But I can't be far from my phone in case my mom falls or something. I know I need to cut the cord a lot more than I do, but honestly, there are days that it is all that keeps me sane.


blythechild December 6 2013, 14:46:08 UTC
I can't really relate. As an example, my Mum fell down the stairs at her house last summer and broke her hip. Then she convinced herself that she could just 'walk it off' for 3 days before my Dad made her go to emergency, and then she had her hip replaced. They didn't inform me until my Mum was back home again and high as a kite on painkillers. They do this kinda shit all the time. *eyeroll*


vegawriters December 6 2013, 16:25:58 UTC

If my parents were still together, I wouldn't have the need to keep my phone on me. At least as much. But I'm my mother's primary contact, and that keeps me on my toes. Especially in the winter.

But because I'm used to it, I'm also used to everything it allows for me. Keeping in contact with things, editing (I have a mobile version of Office on my phone), and reading since I have the Kindle ap on it too. I can't always keep the physical book I'm reading with me, but I have access to the ones on my kindle.

Am I too tied to it? Yes. But it's part of my daily life now.

And your parents sound a lot like my father. He'll do stuff like that. My mom has learned her lesson not to.


blythechild December 6 2013, 16:46:33 UTC
Part of the reason while I don't use my phone to do more is because it becomes a work trap. If you start answering emails and doing edits at all hours, clients (at least mine, anyway) start to EXPECT you to do so, and suddenly your work life has become a 24/7 enterprise. I refuse to do that. My life is mine and it has well-defined boundaries that I fight to keep solid and immovable. I won't look back on my life at 60 and realize that for 30 years my entire life was about other people's (relative and temporary) needs rather than my own.



mashimero December 9 2013, 01:11:33 UTC
Haha I am SO guilty of 2. I think it's partly an Asian thing. It's not really about the food, but how food is tied in with social events. Also a way to show you are out with people without having to take pictures of people, for those camera-phobes (that is a pet peeve of mine. So your picture isn't ZOMG AMAZING. So what? It's a crappy cell phone picture anyway). But IA it can be annoying when people go overboard.


blythechild December 9 2013, 15:03:37 UTC
Well, food porn has it's place... I mean, I'm partly addicted to Hannibal for that very reason (but, ewwwwwww, it's PEOPLE!). I just fail to see the need for Instagramming your morning scone on a daily basis. And, BTW, us photo shy folks appreciate those who don't take a zillion candid shots that suddenly appear all over Facebook - my face isn't that interesting ;)


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