Get Off Your M*therf#*king Phone. Now.

Dec 05, 2013 12:44

Since I work with advertising and public relations people all day, every day - I am a little oversensitive about cell phone usage. I also get run over about 3 times a day on average by people walking through my neighborhood while texting/surfing the web and not paying any attention at all to how dangerous stepping on me life can be.

If I ruled the world, the following phone rules would be enacted immediately:

1. No more selfies. Ever. Especially half/fully naked ones or ones where you pretend to some badassery that you are fundamentally incapable of pulling off in real life. If you want to take a self portrait, buy a camera and learn how to use it.

2. No more food porn. Outside of foodie publications, I have ZERO INTEREST in looking at food pictures. Suddenly, we're all obsessed with what food looks like? WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY?

3. Multitasking is a universal human fail, therefore all cell phone-combination tasks would be banned in my world. No walking/driving/biking + texting/surfing/emailing/updating your status/posting ANYTHING. You wanna do any of that? Fine, pull over and do it.

Failure to adhere to these simple rules would result in public shaming and rotten tomato pelting.

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people who haz tha phunny, asshole douchebaggery, stop the world - i wanna get off, list, youtube, litany of woe, video, woulda shoulda coulda, unsolicted opinions, this is why we can't have nice things, stupidity, oh come on!, blythe is gonna blow, fucktwittery, the element of awesomite, omgwtf, stupid f*cking phone!

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