Rob Ford, Please See My Icon...

Nov 18, 2013 11:58

This fool wouldn't know what's good for him (or his career) if it walked up and kicked him in the teeth. From Bill Weir of CNN:

Some things that bear highlighting:

- To that woman who thinks that Ford was framed: who the hell thinks that smoking crack cocaine is a reasonable response to getting fed up with everything?!?

- Rob, even casually ( Read more... )

asshole douchebaggery, shut up!, stop the world - i wanna get off, you've got to be fucking joking, unsolicted opinions, politics, this is why we can't have nice things, fuck off, stupidity, news, oh come on!, toronto, blythe is gonna blow, fucktwittery, stupid people, rude!, your shit is crazy

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Comments 1

minouette November 20 2013, 14:12:53 UTC
Mike Weir is a golfer.
Bill Weir works for CNN.

(I notice because my grandmother was born a Weir too).

Ford grew up the son of an MPP and business owner and has known nothing but wealth. As much as I dislike him, the way his family is clearly accommodating and facilitating his alcoholism is very sad. What I find astounding is that he's on record making racist comments and even that doesn't seem to offend Ford nation.

Personally, I hope they are able to charge him with something because I'm horrified that it's not impossible he could be re-elected. I do think that some of the people who voted for him were motivated by the idea he could lower taxes (rather than the whole insane package) who may be disgusted by what has happened.


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