Rob Ford, Please See My Icon...

Nov 18, 2013 11:58

This fool wouldn't know what's good for him (or his career) if it walked up and kicked him in the teeth. From Bill Weir of CNN:

Some things that bear highlighting:

- To that woman who thinks that Ford was framed: who the hell thinks that smoking crack cocaine is a reasonable response to getting fed up with everything?!?

- Rob, even casually smoking hard drugs is a sign of addiction issues. Honestly... it's like saying that you're a weekend meth aficionado - there's no such thing. Even if you did manage to snow people on that score, your various drinking antics and videos clearly show that you are an alcoholic. Get some help - why don't you see that people love someone who can admit mistakes and come back fighting (not me, in your case, but other, delusional people... people who still vote with their eyes closed while screaming "LALALALALALALALA!" at the top of their lungs)

- You cannot call yourself the "best father" after threatening to murder someone for slandering your integrity, or extolling the joys of eating your wife's box on live tv. Also, you CANNOT say that and then minutes later swear like a longshoreman in front of a bunch of kids >:/

- People are going to ask you about why you admitted to smoking crack but won't talk about addiction. Get used to it - this is your life now. You cannot lash out at every reporter who asks you about it, especially one who traveled to another country to get your side of the story at your request. Media outlets aren't "spinning" your crazy, you're doing that all by yourself. Stop whining about it and then trying to shut the whole conversation down.

- Maybe playing to the unwashed masses has worked for you in the past, but please stop insisting that you are just an ordinary guy. You didn't grow up poor, without opportunities or resources - you didn't come from a crime-ridden, drug-infested slum and work your way to the middle. A simple Google search of your family name proves this. Stop condescending to the 99%, and stop using your flawed everyman-ness as a realistic excuse for your transgressions. You don't think of yourself as mayor? Good, neither do I, but don't insist that your so-called lack of ego about your elected position is a back door to ethical forgiveness. We will NOT hold you to a lesser standard simply because you keep saying that you're one of us; that's pretty insulting to us, in case you haven't clued into that yet.

*sigh of continuing disgust*

asshole douchebaggery, shut up!, stop the world - i wanna get off, you've got to be fucking joking, unsolicted opinions, politics, this is why we can't have nice things, fuck off, stupidity, news, oh come on!, toronto, blythe is gonna blow, fucktwittery, stupid people, rude!, your shit is crazy

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