Gift Fic, 2013 Edition!

Nov 06, 2013 11:43

Okay, possums, as some of you may remember last year I accepted prompts from my beautiful f-list and wrote a series of gift stories that were posted throughout the month of December (well, everyone got one except minouette, whom I shafted on her most excellent prompt - I am rectifying that this year!).

While I have a small backlog of prompts from the past year, this gift fic thingie was incredibly successful and produced some very popular stories, so I'd like to tempt fate and try it again this year. So, if you would like to receive a gift story during the month of December, check out the rules below and PROMPT!

What I'll do:

• I will undertake to write and post 20 short stories in the month of December.

• Each story will be a minimum of 200 words. I reserve the right for some of them to mutate into something bigger if inspiration strikes. PLEASE INSPIRATION, I'M BEGGING YOU!

What I'd like you to do:

• Leave me up to five different story prompts in comments. You can leave just one if you'd like, but five is the maximum.

• You may prompt from any fandom you know I "get", not just my active fandoms. Some fandoms include: Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Person of Interest, Sherlock, Hannibal, V for Vendetta, Batman: The Animated Series, X-Files... to name a few. If you aren't sure - just ask ;)

• You may get as cracky as you wish, crossover my fandoms.

• You can ask for something that links to something I've already written, if you want to go that way.

• I don't have many squicks but if you hit one, I reserve the right to disregard the prompt (I'll be polite and give you the chance to change the prompt).

• You can request angst and/or an unhappy ending if you want. Not very festive though...

• You do NOT have to make a Christmas/seasonal-based request although you're free to do so if you wish.

• While I may write more, I'm only promising two hundred words so try to keep that in mind when making a prompt, perhaps a line rather than a paragraph-length prompt.

***Other than that, I need fandom(s), character(s) and a prompt. You can also include a mood, etc. if you want.

For example: V for Vendetta, V/Dominic, V is the most terrifying Secret Santa ever.

I will accept prompts until December 1st, or until I reach 20 story requests - whichever comes first. You've got some time here, so think about what you'd like to receive. I enjoy doing this sort of thing but I have to admit that there is also a selfish motivation here: getting a kernel of an idea from outsiders helps break up my writing logjams, so YOU ARE DOING ME A FAVOR BY PARTICIPATING! Thanks in advance, f-list, and HAPPY PROMPTING!!!!

gift fic, bad idea?, gifts, writing, meme, friends, fanfiction, hell yeah!, holiday, write something you miserable fuck, fandom

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