Dear Mayor,

Nov 07, 2013 14:02

Oh, FER FUCK'S SAKE! There's ANOTHER video of Mayor Rob Ford in which he is a) drunk off his not-so-tiny ass, b) pretending to be a coked-out luchador, or c) taken over by a confused and angry alien parasite.

And then there is THIS equally embarrassing non-apology/response to the previous video.

Mayor Ford,

You are a hot mess.
If you don't get help soon, you're just not gonna make it.
I am no longer concerned about your laughable politics - just PLEASE get some medical help. NOW.

And HIRE A P.R./POLICY ADVISOR WHO ISN'T RELATED TO YOU. You can no longer afford to 'wing' these press scrums >:/

I'm starting to think that he's quite possibly drunk all the damn time now.

asshole douchebaggery, linkity-link-link, stop the world - i wanna get off, fuck-up, you've got to be fucking joking, toronto star, video, politics, this is why we can't have nice things, news, oh come on!, toronto, fucktwittery, stupid people, drugs from hell, your stupid is showing

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