Because if yer only gonna have 1 day off, make it a doozy

Apr 13, 2008 14:17

I just finished up a "brunch" meeting with CB (she's helping me apply for a bank loan *fingers crossed*) and I am reminded that I am surrounded by very cool, competent people. Thank gawd. CB always makes me feel like I'm in control of my life - I love that, because I'm so clearly not. But if everything works out (I'll find out later on this week), ( Read more... )

x-files, battlestar galactica, friends, finances, gollum, batman, films, recycling bins, geekiness, ironman

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Comments 9

misspinki777 April 13 2008, 18:52:03 UTC
I'm glad to read that you're having a pretty nifty day dear! :D

Ooooh...where to comment?? Let's see...

X-Files: Oh crap!! I can't wait to see this!! I bet you and Scully look like twins right now! ;D

Batman: Whoa! I really want to see this too! Although, it's a shame he's gone, I never really thoughr Heath Leger was a very good actor. Brokeback mountain was wayyyy overrated (in my opinion)

Iron Man: This could be a pretty cool movie? It has Robert Downey Jr playing Tony Stark. Despite Mr. Downey's drug issues over the years, he's always been a really good actor.

Lastly, Katee Sackhoff: I just thinks she's so super pretty and tough. I don't know why but she kind of resembles Faith Hill and T2's Linda Hamilton in that photo. I don't watch a lot of tv, but when it comes out on DVD, I'll have to add it to my Netflix. :)


blythechild April 13 2008, 19:09:34 UTC
X-files: OMGOMGOMGIcan'twait! Gillian and I are both short with blue eyes and long red hair but that's where the similarity ends. She's petite-fabulous and her character is the smartest thing with an XX chromosome: I should BE so lucky!

Batman: I liked BB Mtn, but I'll admit that Ledger hadn't impressed me much previous to that. I felt certain that he was on the cusp of becoming more. Really, Batman is all about the guy in the suit and Bale does it for me in just about everything (even as Patrick Bateman in "American Psycho"). Ledger as the Joker is just a bonus. Plus, Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon...

Iron Man: I luvs Robert Downey Jr. and he's the only reason why I'll pay money to see this film in a theater rather than waiting for the DVD.

BSG seasons 1-3 are already out on DVD!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!!!!!! NETFLIX THAT ACTION!


misspinki777 April 13 2008, 19:26:08 UTC
I met Christian Bale at a supermarket when I was in Malibu about five years ago! He's a super nice guy and his wife was really sweet. I thought he was totally awesome in American Psycho! It's kind of weird but I've never been attractive to him ever since I saw 'Empire of the Sun' when he was little. It's like I look at him like a brother or something? I know, I'm so weird!

Oh! I didn't know BSG was on video already?! I thought this was a new show that just started! *is so lost in the sauce* *scrams to Netflix to add them* ;D


Lost in the sauce... blythechild April 13 2008, 19:33:10 UTC
Yes, BSG had/has a fixed plotline that will end for good after the close of the current (fourth) season, much to the chagrin of multitudes of fans. Seasons 1-3 went to DVD almost as soon as the episodes finished airing because it wasn't always available on cable in all areas. Very decent of the producers, really.....


zenrin April 13 2008, 20:21:29 UTC
I saw the previews for Dark Knight a long time ago. I figured they were back dating the release because of Ledgers death. Bale does a wonderful job as The Dark Knight!!!!

Hmmmm.... that's Starbuck????
She looks lovely, and a tad pissed off there!
Almost through season 2. (I think I've got my son hooked too) :D


*Evil Cackle* blythechild April 13 2008, 20:42:36 UTC
The more, the merrier :)


reynardin April 14 2008, 05:05:02 UTC
al-so, the first stills for The Watchmen are out, and it's due to be released in 2009.

I can't wait for Batman - Bale, Leger, and Oldman especially....


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