It can't rain (metaphorically) all the time, sweety

Nov 03, 2007 21:04

So, my day was cheered slightly by this on the MSN homepage:

The long-awaited second X-Files film is finally a go, with 20th Century Fox setting a July 25, 2008 release date. The as yet untitled project reunites X-Files creator Chris Carter with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. It’s a stand-alone ( Read more... )

x-files, james bond, movies, 300

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Comments 7

belmont_bellamy November 4 2007, 01:29:47 UTC
you are drooling my dear

Why did GB walk off the set?


blythechild November 4 2007, 17:16:05 UTC
dunno. maybe they forced him to wear clothes or keep his tongue in his mouth....


draycevixen November 4 2007, 04:15:33 UTC
I loved the X-files but after that first film, frankly I'm scared... and not in a *good* way *snerk*

Craig is particularly fine, despite the whole blonde thing. I will show consideration and not "fire bomb" you e-mail with the naked Craig piccies I tortured Munchkin with. :D Cold and/or wet are not good for the male "constitution" *cough*


blythechild November 4 2007, 17:22:30 UTC
I'm too much of a fan NOT to be enthused about a new X-files movie (yes, the first one was sub-par, but Carter was writing for the X-files, Millenium, Harsh Realm AND directing the movie at that time - no one's THAT good). I have it on DVD and never watch it all the way through b/c the giant arctic alien spacecraft thing pisses me off (however, they did manage to work the damn thing into the season's episodes following the movie's release - you gotta admire commitment to a (flawed) story arc). Carter hasn't done anything of note since X-files ended, I hope that this means one kick-ass script...

Craig is indeed fine. When I first saw him in 'Love Is the Devil' I fell hard - I never believed that he'd pull Bond off, and it's not because of the blond thing... he reminds me of a boxer who killed someone in the ring and never got over it: lovely, brutal, but broken.


draycevixen November 4 2007, 17:59:54 UTC
See I read the Fleming novels when I was a kid, long before I saw any of the Bond movies (my mother wasn't as good at controlling what I read as she was at controlling what I saw) so >>lovely, brutal, but broken<< is a nigh on perfect description of James Bond from the *novels.*

"Love is the Devil" is the source of one of the piccies I sent to Munchkin. The other is from when a movie director got him drunk and talked him into running naked down the street covered in squashed tomatoes... Damn but my life has become mundane *snerk*


Where have I been? misspinki777 November 5 2007, 06:57:58 UTC
A new X-Files movie?! OMG!!! *runs to check IMDB*


Re: Where have I been? blythechild November 5 2007, 14:48:56 UTC
yes! soooooooooooooo exciting!


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