It can't rain (metaphorically) all the time, sweety

Nov 03, 2007 21:04

So, my day was cheered slightly by this on the MSN homepage:

The long-awaited second X-Files film is finally a go, with 20th Century Fox setting a July 25, 2008 release date. The as yet untitled project reunites X-Files creator Chris Carter with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. It’s a stand-alone supernatural thriller that will ‘take their relationship in a new direction'.

*sigh = happiness*

Also, the site claimed that Gerald Butler walked off the set of the third 'Escape from New York' movie currently in production with John Carpenter. What? Was the idea of following in Kurt Russell's mulleted footsteps too much for our beloved Spartan?

And, Daniel Craig has signed on for 4 more Bond films. 4, count 'em: 4. mmmmm, manly goodness....

x-files, james bond, movies, 300

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