Mar 17, 2028 22:25
This journal is mostly "friends only." Ask to be added if you are so inclined.
Sep 01, 2009 22:44
I saw Georges St. Pierre at my gym earlier. My partner pointed it out and I thought, "Oh, shit, it's Georges St. Pierre."
That's pretty much the entire story.
Have to wake up at 8 am tomorrow for a 5-hour session for new TAs. No doubt that will be a painful experience.
The semester is upon me.
Jun 24, 2009 22:16
A committed bibliophile, I nonetheless find it difficult to feel overly sorry for Morningside Bookshop's imminent demise, as so many of the people that work there are weirdos, dickheads, or weirdo dickheads. Book Culture forever!
Nov 19, 2008 11:32
Today the professor of my math for dummies class referred to comparative statics as "what social science is." No, comparative statics is what...economics is. Which, I guess, is just another way of saying "social science" at this point.
Sometimes I forget why I'm even here.
Oct 26, 2008 21:48
Today I bought a hundred year old copy of the Federalist Papers from some guy on the street. I've actually been looking for such a thing for years, if such a sentiment can be believed.
I'm also listening to a Dolly Parton song and enjoying it more than I'd normally care to admit.
Sep 15, 2008 19:08
Next week, my school is hosting a panel with the presidents of Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay, El Salvador, Panama...and Shakira. And Jeffrey Sachs. But I have class and I can't decide whether this is so weird and awesome that it's worth missing an actually rather relevant class session for.