Title: That Name
Pairing: YunJae, JaeMin
Genre: Angst, Drama
Rating: Pg-13
Length: Three-shots(3/3) I
(Part 1: His Name) I
(Part 2: My Name)A/N: Fic exchange with
lophe (who wrote Part 2)
Summary: Finally he chanted that name.
And you breathed. You took another breath. Heavy, too fast, too slow, and you felt it didn’t matter anymore. )
Comments 25
this is totally angst but i love it very much! <33
you’re amazing like ususal, bb… *applause*
You’re more than a moment too late
what a perfect line for the ending!!
in the end yunho decide to leave jaejoong…
but at the same time.. jaejoong loves yunho..
truthfully, i thought jaejoong really deserve it, right? >.<
and in the end both of them got their lesson…
love should not be forced and don’t left it unsaid…
and pray for both of them can move on and have a better life… ^^
you made a great perfect angst, bb…!!
thanks, bb!
we made it together, remember?
so let's cheer for ourselves together!
yeah, i did touch-up a little since i thought the whole story seemed off somehow before.
and yeah, i totally agree with you, love can't be forced and shouldn't be left unsaid.
yup, let's pray for them...
*hugs you back*
so let's go on with yours one.
p/s: thanks, bb!
this is a one memorable fic for me and us.^^
kyaaa... i'm so happy too.. this is my first time trying fic exchange.. *grin*
thanks a lot bb, for doing this with me.. ^^
and oooh.. the touched up is really great.. you really know how to do the best, bb... ^__^
*hug you very tight*
and of course this is be one memorable fic for me too.. :)
for heeartquake!
for yozora_yume!
yeah...me and lophe thought sad ending fitted better with this fic.
not every love has a happy ending and this is one of the example.
and oh, here some tissues!
cry your heart out if you want.
your 'devil' fic will be going to have a happy ending right?
haha of course....
i shouldn't be worry about it....right?
p/s: thanks for reading and commenting, dear!!!
for keshbluedolph!
You wrote this final part so well I feel my heart ached as if I was the one who experienced all those angsty feelings. I want YunHo back, please bring him back to Jae I beg you *cries*
hey...don't cry....
ok, let me cry with you.
oh, thanks a lot, dear!
although you felt your ached because of this...
idk, dear...if i should make them together...
ok, let's do this.
if there's aome readers who want the same as you maybe i'll write another part, and if my friend lophe thinks it's a good idea too.
but maybe neh?
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