Fic: Such a Sweet Surprise (Puck/Finn)

Jul 06, 2010 00:25

Because today is my birthday, and I am officially old (love and life has passed me by, according to the video at the Jane Austen centre in Bath we went to last week :) ), I come bearing this.

Title: Such a Sweet Surprise
Pairing: Puck/Finn
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2100
Warnings: Rimming
Summary: Puck knows that the problem isn’t that he’s too big, or Finn’s ass is too small, it’s that Finn needs to relax. And Puck knows a way to help with that.
A/N: Many thanks to the wonderful mintyfiend for the handholding, title suggestion, and beta job that I maybe rushed her through so I could post this. All remaining mistakes are mine. Title belongs to Poison. Concrit is always welcomed.

“No, fuck, ow, it’s too big!”

Puck rolls his eyes.

“Dude,” he says. “Chillax. I know my dick is big but it’ll fit. Trust me.”

Finn twists his upper body so he can look over his shoulder at Puck.

“The last time you used that line, you got my girlfriend pregnant,” Finn reminds him.

Puck narrows his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever dude. One day you’re going to have to stop rubbing that in my face.”

“I’ll rub my dick in your face,” Finn mumbles, turning back to rest his head on the pillow. “I think we need more lube.”

Puck shakes his head even though Finn can’t see him and picks up the almost empty bottle.

“I’ve used so much of this scented girly lube shit it’s going to be like fucking my little sister’s Strawberry Shortcake doll.”

“Cherry,” Finn corrects. “It’s cherry. And I like the smell. It reminds me of pie.”

“Close your eyes and think of pie then,” Puck tells him, slicking up his fingers with even more lube and sliding them inside Finn.

They go in easy, like Puck expected. He’s spent ages working at Finn to open him up and he knows if he goes on much longer he’ll have to stop calling it preparation and start calling it foreplay. Which isn’t something the Puckmeister does. He’s a wham, bam, thank you ma’am (or in this case, man) kinda guy.

The problem isn’t that Puck is too big (although it’s definitely more than decent sized, if he does say so himself) or that Finn’s ass is too small. It’s that Finn isn’t letting himself relax. The merest hint of Puck’s dick getting anywhere near his ass and he clenches up so tight that Puck is seriously considering that whole ‘shoving a lump of coal up there and getting a diamond in a week’ thing he heard about in some movie. He could do with the cash, especially if he’s not going to get laid.

Puck can’t really blame Finn though. Their whole...thing, whatever it is (not relationship because that sounds both girly and serious and it’s, well, Puck doesn’t like to think about what it is) has been several rounds of Puck convincing Finn to try new things, Finn being hesitant at first, then trying it and (mostly) liking it. But when Puck had brought up the buttfucking thing Finn had barely protested, almost like he wanted Puck to fuck him. And then, well, it hadn’t been great what with the awkward angle and the messiness and the cramp and the bruising and really Puck wouldn’t have blamed Finn if he never wanted to try it again.

Understanding doesn’t mean Puck isn’t getting kind of annoyed though- he really wants to stick his dick in Finn and have some fun. Because, although Finn makes awesome little noises and his left leg twitches when Puck curls his fingers inside him just right, and Puck’s dick responds well to those awesome little noises, it’s not exactly getting him off.

Plus it’s giving him finger cramp. Which is better than the type of cramp he got last time they tried this, but still, not fun.

Puck nudges Finn’s legs further apart so he can practically lie down between them, arm resting on the mattress as he scissors his fingers inside Finn, trying to stretch him open just a bit more.

“What’re you doing?” Finn asks, not bothering to lift his head from where it’s now pillowed on his arms.

Puck decides that if (when, really, because he does want it even if he won’t say it out loud- yet) he lets Finn fuck him, he’s going to make Finn work so fucking hard to make up for this.

“Trying to fuck you,” Puck says, pulling his fingers out and slapping Finn lightly on the ass. “Shut up,” he adds, turning the accidental streak of lube now there into a frowny face.

His impromptu art has mostly wiped the lube off his fingers but when he sniffs at them the cherry smell is still really strong, like he’s been eating Twizzlers or something. Without really thinking about it, Puck touches his finger to his tongue and yeah, it just tastes like he’s been eating a lot of cherry flavoured candy, and, sure, a little bit like something that is probably ass but it isn’t actually bad. It’s really just a musky version of how Finn’s dick tastes when Puck is blowing him, or how his neck tastes when they’re grinding against each other.

It gives Puck an idea. It isn’t something he’s ever done before, but he’s watched a lot of porn in his time, so he has a pretty good idea of what to do- use his tongue. He’s heard it’s relaxing and feels good which is exactly what Finn needs right now.

Puck pushes himself further up the bed, until he’s properly nestled between Finn’s open legs. He leans in, and Finn twitches when Puck’s warm breath hits his skin.

“What’s going on?” Finn asks, as Puck places his palms on Finn’s ass and spreads him open for easier access. And there it is. The thing Puck’s had his fingers in for most of the night. The thing he wants to put his dick in. The thing that he’s (maybe) going to put his tongue in. It’s a bit weird- Puck hadn’t expected to come face to face, so to speak, with Finn’s asshole when he’d been thinking about their plans for tonight.

Puck leans closer, wetting his lips. And then chickens out. He goes further down instead, dragging his tongue up the underside of Finn’s balls. That’s something he’s done before and he knows Finn likes it.

Finn makes a surprised sound at the contact, and then another as Puck presses his mouth to the crease where Finn’s thigh and ass cheek meet.


“Shut up,” Puck tells him again. “Just...don’t fart in my mouth or anything, okay?”

He spreads Finn’s ass cheeks again and leans in. He swipes his tongue across the puckered skin and Finn gasps.

“Puck, dude-” he starts to say, but Puck runs his tongue over it again, slower this time, and Finn makes a stuttering noise and shuts up.

It isn’t as weird as Puck had expected. Not that he’d expected anything because licking someone’s ass really doesn’t feature in his every day fantasies. But it isn’t bad.

He licks a slow circle around Finn’s hole, feeling Finn’s body tense and relax beneath him. Hair tickles at Puck’s lips, and sure, it’s kind of gross, but Puck is a dude. He does a lot of gross stuff so this is really not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Plus most of the gross things he’s done in the past haven’t left Finn breathing loudly and gasping like this.

“Puck,” Finn chokes out as Puck continues to lick, alternatively stroking with his tongue and then making circling motions.

It isn’t a bad sensation- a weird mix of rough and smooth and really it’s a lot like trying to kiss a chick who’s wearing too much lip gloss, what with all of the lube. It makes it slick and sweet beneath his mouth and tongue as he presses them against Finn.

Finn sighs and Puck glances up in time to see Finn’s tense shoulders slump. Puck’s glad to see his plan is working and it won’t be long until he’s relaxed enough that Puck can finally, finally slide his dick home.

Puck isn’t going to risk Finn tensing up again, not yet, so he keeps working at him until he can put enough pressure to push his tongue just inside. It’s kind of like pushing his tongue through a cherry flavoured gummy ring, except without the tangy sugar crystals (thankfully, because Puck’s pretty sure it would hurt like a motherfucker if you got those in your ass).

Finn’s still pretty loose from Puck’s fingers so it isn’t hard to slide his tongue in and out. He doesn’t go deep- Finn may be candy coated but Puck isn’t willing to risk a taste of the filling- but this seems to be enough. All of the tension seems to be leaving Finn with the moans he’s making, loud enough that he has to press his face into the pillow to muffle them.

It’s a good feeling, knowing he’s the reason that Finn is falling apart like that, and his dick is so hard Puck’s almost surprised he isn’t lightheaded from blood loss or something. Puck slides one hand down between his body and the mattress, pressing the heel of his hand hard against his dick. He’s about to say “Fuck it,” and just jerk off as he fucks Finn’s ass with his tongue, when Finn twists around.

“Puck, do it now. Fuck me now.”

Puck pushes himself up on his elbows. “Are you sure?” he asks, because as much as he wants to fuck Finn, he doesn’t want to almost end up with a black eye like last time.

Finn looks reluctant, like he doesn’t want Puck to stop, but he nods.

He doesn’t have to tell Puck twice. He’s up and repositioning himself before Finn has turned back to face his pillow.

“Ready?” Puck asks, pressing the tip of his dick against Finn’s ass. He winces, waiting for what had happened earlier, for Finn to tense up and tell him to stop. But Finn doesn’t.

“Please,” Finn says and Puck does as he’s told.

There’s resistance as he pushes in, of course, and Finn makes a strangled noise that has Puck pausing half in and half out in a move that takes every ounce of self restraint he has.

“Keep going,” Finn tells him and Puck can’t help the heavy exhale in relief as he presses in, inch by slow inch, until he’s inside Finn.

It feels better than Puck had imagined, tight and hot and he doesn’t ever want to move except that he does, to get some movement, some friction, to get off.

He takes it slow, judging from Finn’s noises what’s right and what’s wrong and it’s not long until Finn is pressing back against him with each thrust, Puck’s toes twisting in the sheets to get enough purchase to press in a bit harder each time.

Puck attempts a reach around, to wrap his hand around Finn’s dick and help him along, but he’s pressing Finn into the mattress. He slides his hand up and along Finn’s arm instead, abandoning Finn’s dick to its fate of rubbing against Puck’s bedcover, and grips Finn’s wrist instead.

It doesn’t last much longer. For Puck the sensation of being inside Finn is almost too much and for Finn, well, Puck’s surprised Finn lasted this long, what with all of the not-foreplay of fingering and rimming and everything.

Puck can’t help slumping down on top of Finn as he comes, eyes closed tight and gasping in breathes as it rolls over and through him. He feels Finn shudder beneath and around him but he’s preoccupied with remembering how to move so he can pull out of Finn and collapse on the bed beside him. Puck pulls off the condom and launches it hopefully in the direction of the trash and then nudges Finn with his knee.


Finn turns his head on the pillow and grins sleepily at Puck. “Hey.”

Puck grins back, then wipes the back of his hand across his mouth.

“I feel like I’ve just stuck my face into a bowl of fries,” he tells Finn, making a face at the greasiness. “And I don’t think I can ever drink an Icee again without thinking about how I had my tongue in your ass.”

Finn’s grin grows wider and Puck can’t stop himself from leaning in and kissing him. He tells himself it’s only because if he’s had to taste Finn’s cherry scented ass, Finn should have to as well.

“Gross,” Finn says against Puck’s mouth, which allows Puck to slip his tongue inside to run it against Finn’s tongue, along his teeth and across the roof of his mouth before pulling back.

“Dude!” Finn protests, wiping at his mouth. “Now I’ll always think about that when I have an Icee too.”

Finn is trying his best to look annoyed but Puck can tell he doesn’t mind at all.

“I like Icees,” Finn grumbles, kicking his toes against Puck’s shin.

“Sorry,” Puck says, even though he’s not. “I’ll buy you one tomorrow.”

Finn stares at him for a long moment, long enough that Puck’s about to punch him and tell him to stop being such a creep, but then he just says, “Okay,” and puts his head back on the pillow.

fic, glee, puck/finn

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