It keeps spinning

Jul 19, 2010 18:23

Today I slept late, got up and went to the cinema to see Inception. Wow. Just. Wow. Mind blown by the awesome. It reminded me of the sort of big Hollywood blockbusters from my childhood, the ones that were appropriate and entertaining for all the family and that really made you think about things. Definitely a movie I want to rewatch over and over.

Apart from the Sorcerer's Apprentice (because Nic Cage and Jay Baruchel? Awesomeness) the rest of the trailers seemed to be the sort of B-movies I'd expect to go straight to DVD- Piranha 3D, for instance. Although at least I haven't been unlucky enough to encounter a trailer for Splice (Oh Vincenzo, DHew, why you gotta break my heart like that?) so I'm counting it as a win.

Then I came home to find a buttload of the sort of emails that cheer me up, including a lead on the job I originally really, really wanted. I like when things are promising.

Also today I got to read this awesome fic which is a (Gen) prequel to the Back to the Future movies that I didn't realise I needed in my life until I read it. Read it. It's really good.

This week? Totally not going to suck. I'm decreeing it, right now. It's not going to suck for any of you awesome people, or me. And also I will win the lotto. And get a pony. Now if even only one of out three comes true, that'd be awesome.
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