oh babes, it hurts and I can't ride the horse, and oh babes (i think my spleen has been ostracized)

May 10, 2009 23:55

The subject has nothing to do with what I'm about to ramble about, really, but !!!! For reasons unknown I woke up with the whole 'Oh babes, babes, it hurts babes' thing in my head and I spent a lovely hour at work today watching LOTR extras clips. I still laugh myself silly when I watch that part. Poor whinging Orli ( Read more... )

ramble, movie watching, fic ideas, supernatural

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Comments 12

vinylsigns May 10 2009, 23:46:58 UTC
Last two episodes? Don't you mean last four? 22 eps in a season and all.

And I want to read so much Dean/Castiel fic it's not even funny.

Told you :P I still ship Sam/Dean hardcore, but Dean/Castiel is DELICIOUS. Hit up my Dean/Castiel tag at my delicious account if you want the good stuff, and there's Sam/Dean recs too. I also consider "The Last Outpost Of All There Is" to be the most perfect fic ever written, so make sure you've taken a crack at it :)

And I totes agree about Ruby. In season three, Katie played her as a fierce, fabulous bitch, but Gen's portrayal is so lacking and unwatchable DDD: I like Ruby, I really do, but she needs to be offed now, or at least get a new actress.


bluejbird May 11 2009, 09:41:20 UTC
Nope, we've watched up to 20. So two more to go! I was just remarking on ep 18 in particular because of the !!! nature of it. And when I said I was spoilt for the last three eps, I meant the last three we'd watched. Maybe I shouldn't post so late at night?

Thank you for that link! I will be spending a LOT of my day reading stuff, I suspect! I've had trouble finding decent stuff to read in my brief excursions through SPN fandom, although I am sure this is me looking in the wrong places rather than actual lack.

I'm hoping Ruby dies in the last ep, because, well, I've never wanted a character I've loved to die before but she's getting on my last nerve. Which is a shame, because I think the whole idea of having a non-likeable character like a demon be likeable by the audience (and by the same token, having a should-be-likeable character like an angel be unlikeable by the audience i.e. Uriel) is always a clever way to go and that actress as royally fubar'd the whole thing.


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bluejbird May 11 2009, 09:43:08 UTC
I am dying to know what happens next and it's taking so much willpower to not watch ep 21. But I know it'll kill me having to wait a whole week!

Thank you- I shall go a-searching! And lol, you're writing an SPN BBB! How can you not be in SPN fandom? (speaking of, really looking forward to your fic, jsyk)


finny91 May 11 2009, 01:24:33 UTC
'Oh babes, babes, it hurts babes' thing in my head and I spent a lovely hour at work today watching LOTR extras clips. I still laugh myself silly when I watch that part. Poor whinging Orli.

which part is this?? i'm sure i have the dvds somewhere, point me in the right direction.

your weekend sounds much more fun than mine. More movies should have a scene where two hot dudes make out.



bluejbird May 11 2009, 09:47:59 UTC
Can't remember where exactly in the DVDs it is but here:

around the 3 min mark

Dude, two hot dudes should ALWAYS be making out in movies. I watched this movie awhile back that was a gay love story about two dudes surfing and falling in love. And when they made out for the first time I was all OH MY GOD because it was awesome and there should be more of that in movies please. Also it now makes me think of Bden and Spencer surfing together.


finny91 May 11 2009, 16:35:27 UTC
I will watch this when i get home. TY!

YES. which movie was that, it soundslike something i should see. i watched y tu mama tambien and when those two kiss near the end... guh, i had to rewind and watch it again. so very hot. and now, in my head anyway, both actors whatever characters they're playing are "those two wonderful gay boys!" i can' even help it.

spencer/brendon surfing would be amazing. spencer on a surf board would probably end me but whatever. and we know brendon surfs so it has to happen or have happened at some point. Boys *sigh*


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bluejbird May 11 2009, 14:57:44 UTC
Yes! He should make out with everyone, I think! Not just boys in movies maybe Brendon Urie too.

You should definitely catch up with SPN. I was all sceptical at first- I'd seen a few eps but had never managed to get my hands on a whole season, and I was in SGA fandom at the time when both SGA and SPN started to get big and was kinda scared by some aspects of the SPN fans reactions so I never bothered. Then I totally got bullied into watching and let me tell you- not something I am ever going to regret.

Two hot guys running around, saving the world from bad shit with an awesome soundtrack? There is nothing not to love there!


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bluejbird May 11 2009, 15:12:02 UTC
That is the most accurate description of it ever!

I totally get the whole not watching it for those reasons thing. I'm the same way (I do not watch horror movies at all because I squeal like a psycho and can't sleep if I do) but I found it kind comforting knowing Sam and Dean would kick the ass of any scary thing out there.

Not gonna lie, it gets worse as it goes on (I've had some nightmares about things in the show recently) but it's worth sticking with.

And oh man, I miss SGA so much. Makes me sad it's over and I don't have any McShep in my life.


mintyfiend May 11 2009, 19:09:26 UTC
I concur re: everything you've said about Supernatural.


Oh man, I need to know what happens with him.

Also, your fic? Is seriously awesome. I really look forward to reading more of it!



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