Calling all music gurus!

Aug 25, 2006 09:48

This entry might seem a little bipolar. So here we go first with the yang.

(Because I know how people get their hands on music these days) oddly enough, I'm probably among the last of his fans to do this, but I had a listen to John Mayer's new album in its entirety the other day. And I honest to goodness cannot remember the last time I've been ( Read more... )

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Comments 31

novelized August 25 2006, 19:07:54 UTC
john mayer is SUCH love. man i got a hold of the live version of all those songs some time ago, made a cd that same night, and that's just about ALL i listen to in my car. also your title (slow dancing in a burning room) is my FAVOIRTIEITE song. ahhhh jm. i can't WAIT for the concert.


bluegiselle August 28 2006, 00:07:04 UTC
aahhh, i've definitely succumbed and listened to the CD another 4 or 5 times since i said that i wouldn't listen to it again. slow dancing... such a GORGEOUS song. loooove it. i'm really in love with 'stop this train' right now too. and the magical thing about it, too, is that everytime i listen to the record, there's always something that i'll catch that i didn't catch before. musically. lyrically. just something pops out... or changes... or shifts... or molds to how i'm feeling at the moment... every. single. time. *LOOOOVE*

you will no doubt have an amazing time at the concert. eee, i'm excited WITH you and can not WAIT to hear your stories and see your pictures!


flashingpirate August 25 2006, 19:33:40 UTC
I love me some John Mayer for sure. I can't wait for the new album as well. He's always been a favorite of mine.

As for new music, well, yeah. lol Lately I've been listening to a lot of bands I've liked for awhile like Snow Patrol. It kinda makes me sad that they're kinda mainstream now. lol

But I've really been into Honestly, but as far as I know, they're kind of on hiatus. Their lead singer quit awhile back, and last time I checked their website was down. But they have some good stuff ( ... )


bluegiselle August 28 2006, 00:09:27 UTC
I am soooo glad you replied to this because I know you know your stuff when it comes to good music. I hadn't heard of Pat McGee Band (or Adam Green... or Landon Pigg... or, um, Michelle Featherstone hahaha) but I will definitely DEFINITELY spend the next few days looking into your suggestions. Can't wait! THANK YOU! You never let me down. :)


flashingpirate August 28 2006, 00:27:03 UTC
I hope I don't let you down. You know I couldn't not reply to this. I mean come on. ;)

Just be warned...Adam Green isn't typical music. lol Like I said, he's kinda vulgar and pretty out there. But it's fun nonetheless. Some of his songs are more about the melody than the lyrics for me. lol I happened to stumble upon him when I was in need of new music and was going through withdrawal. (Songs I recommend are Bluebirds, The Prince's Bed, Bunnyranch, Frozen In Time, Baby's Gonna Die Tonight, Bleeding Heart, Gemstones, and He's the Brat). Enjoy! lol

The two songs I really recommend for Michelle Featherstone are Coffee and Cigarettes and We are Man and Wife.

I think you'll really like Pat McGee Band and Landon Pigg. At least I hope you do. I'm really into PMB's newest cd, but some people argue Shine is their best album. I kinda tend to disagree. lol So I recommend their album Save Me.

Good luck and have fun, my dear! :)


luckyrun August 25 2006, 19:56:46 UTC
lemme think what i've been listening to lately...

admittedly, michelle branch. i found her two oldschool CD's and i LOVE THEM. it's embarrassing but at the same time, who cares. i like her voice.

and also...minus the bear! that is definitely an obscure band. i can send you a few of my favorites if you want?? lemme know. :)

also, have you listened to imogen heap/frou frou, like other than what's on the garden state soundtrack?? i ♥ it! "breathe in" by frou frou is beeeautiful.


luckyrun August 25 2006, 23:19:16 UTC
and OH!! you've probably heard of this song (?) but i just discovered "so alive" by ryan adams and it's beautiful.


bluegiselle August 28 2006, 00:13:27 UTC
MICHELLE BRANCH! i love her older stuff. i've even given her new stuff (the wreckers) a chance... with a bit of teeth grinding on my part. but i happened to find a couple of songs that i ended up liking. so honestly? no such thing as embarrassment! you're talking to the girl who listens to beethoven on a regular basis, remember. ;)

i downloaded a song called Pachuca (?) Sunrise by Minus the Bear. good sound! i'd love to hear your favorites too, though. definitely.

and i've heard of ryan adams but i have not heard that song. i'll see if i can get my hands on that one too. THANKYOU! ♥

ps. imogen heap/frou frou is LOVE. truly!


squisheebananas August 28 2006, 06:27:02 UTC
duddeee no shame!

i LOVE michelle branch. she was my first like, serious favorite favorite musician. hahahaah.. aah i remember when i was like 9 and singing along to "everywhere". she's definitely a staple in my iTunes even though I haven't listened to her in awhile. I gave The Wreckers a try because I'm partial to Branch, some of their stuff is not bad .. but it gets pretty country sometimes. haahah.


squisheebananas August 26 2006, 00:12:08 UTC
Y knowww you should listen to playradioplay I just discovered him you can find him on myspace.

But he's good. Like a poppy version of postal service.


bluegiselle August 28 2006, 00:15:06 UTC
oooooh, yeah. am listening to them right now, actually. i can definitely hear the postal serice-ness that you speak of. but i like it. talk about obscure! do they even have an official official myspace? they have so few 'friends'! hahah.. thanks MC!


squisheebananas August 28 2006, 06:30:15 UTC
I don't think so! This guy hasn't gotten a record label yet so he's still waiting to be "discovered". I just thought he was pretty unique from the other undiscovered artists on myspace. My favorite song is "Madi Don't Leave".

I admit I'm in this whole John Mayer daze and it's all I'm listening to right now. SLOW DANCING IN A BURNING ROOM = ♥


taint3dhalo August 26 2006, 02:10:46 UTC
i dont know about bands because i have this weird tendency of only liking songs and if i like three songs from one band then that means i like the band ... if that makes any sense whatsoever.


The Early November [Long Talks and Figure It Out are worth a listen]

the one song that ive been playing over and over again and it still hasnt tire me yet is The Queen and I by Gym Class Heroes

loved that song - and loved to dance to it too


bluegiselle August 28 2006, 00:20:26 UTC
i dont know about bands because i have this weird tendency of only liking songs and if i like three songs from one band then that means i like the band ... if that makes any sense whatsoever.absolutely! :) made sense to me, anyway. actually, that's how it is with me too a lot of the time. especially with the songs on the radio, i feel like i really only like one song from the artist. kind of a "i'll tell you if i like it when i hear it" sort of deal. and then there are the bands that keep me coming back for another song. or two. or three. there are really only a few artists where i feel like even if they're making music that i usually don't listen to, or if they're pulling me in a different direction from the type of music that they initially started playing, and they can somehow make me believe it or pull me in with them... then THAT'S when i say, yeaaaah, that's the good stuff right there. the real deal musicians. to me, anyway. not the fading fad kind of thing. if i'm making any sense hahah ( ... )


taint3dhalo August 28 2006, 02:35:06 UTC
They are all emo but, in my opinion, they are good emo.

i think you'll like The Early November out of those three better. they are a little acoustic-y and their lyrics are beautiful - poetic.

i only listen to the radio because they play the songs i like for a couple of weeks then i usually forget about them when they stop playing them.

only a few bands though 'grab' me. it takes me a while to buy a CD but if i do then i usually wear them out XD

no problem :]

if i find another band that you might like - i'll share XD



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