The Chauffeur Chapter 5

Jun 08, 2014 01:00

In the ten minutes it took to drive to the underground parking structure below the posh apartment building, Harold had come to several times. John tried getting through to Finch, to explain what was happening, but the drugs were causing Harold to hallucinate, to confuse the past and the present.

Harold was semi-lucid at first and even tried to talk about the kidnaping, addressing John as John. Then his eyes glazed over and Finch lost consciousness again. John still held Harold close, wiping away the perspiration beginning to profusely cover Finch’s face.

Harold opened his eyes the second time smiling up at John lovingly, but confusing him for Nathan again, shushed John when he tried to speak, “I remembered your preferences. I believe the housekeeper stocked the bar with Tennessee Bourbon.”

Shaw had parked the limo in a space reserved for Wren. The concrete wall had been freshly painted over with the name Wren, but didn’t completely cover the faded lettering of Ingram.

There wasn’t anyone around so getting Harold inside unnoticed wasn’t going to be a problem, but they were parked close enough to the elevator door to see it was only accessible using a key, a key they didn’t have. Neither of them had thought about keys in their rush to get Harold to the apartment and that was the only way they were ever getting in the building from the garage.

Harold came around again and turned to look out the window. “Nathan, why are we waiting here? We need to go in. I’m not feeling too good. I think I might have to pass on that nightcap. This is the last time I’m going to an awards dinner with you Nathan Ingram.”

Reese decided pretending to be very inebriated Nathan might get a response from Harold more than trying to get through to him and slurred out “Harold I am drunk. I can’t find...the keys. I think I...forgot them.”

Harold giggled like a toddler and crowed, “Of course you can’t! You always need me! Me and my master key ring!” Finch pulled out a pouch under his shirt that held several keys with different color coded tips. He used his thumb and forefinger to hold up a purple key to his face. Harold jiggled the keys and laughed again. “See?”

“What would I do without you Harold?” John laughed back. “Let’s give these to the driver. We’re both too drunk to unlock anything.” John picked up the keys and handed them to Shaw after Finch had dropped the key ring on the floor trying to hand it off to a driver he couldn’t see.

Shaw got out of the limo and came around to the rear door Reese had opened. Between the two of them they managed to get Harold out of the car and walk him over to the elevator. Reese held Finch steady while Shaw used the keys.

“Nathan? Who’s this?” Harold swayed as he looked from Shaw then up at John.

“She’s my new driver.” John lied. “You remember Harold? Her name’s Shaw.”

Harold let out a long suffering sigh. “Always the women, Nathan.”

John almost lost the hold he had on Finch when the man’s legs crumpled underneath him. Shaw tried to grab an arm but John scooped Finch up, cradling him like a small child. “I got him Shaw.” Reese nodded at the door and gently ordered. “Just get that door open.”

Once inside the elevator Shaw had a bit of trouble getting the key to work in the penthouse lock but it was only a few seconds before the lift began to rise taking them to the penthouse floor.

The elevator door opened to a small lobby. Directly to the right was a white and gold filigreed door, the only one on the floor. Reese motioned towards the door and Shaw went before him understanding what John wanted. John held tighter to his boss and followed her. Shaw fumbled for a moment finding the right key but had the door open without John having to wait too long.

Reese brushed passed her, down a small set of steps, and headed for what he assumed was a bedroom paying scant attention to main room’s furnishings. Reese went over to the queen sized bed and gently laid Finch down on it.

John could hear Shaw rummaging around in cupboards in another room as he removed Finch’s shoes and socks. Knocking at the door Shaw waited for John to look up, before she brought in a pitcher of water, a glass, a plastic dishpan and a towel tucked under one arm.

Shaw stopped in front of Reese, “Take these,’ she instructed nodding down towards her side. After setting the pitcher and glass on the nightstand, she turned to walk back out the door. “Finch is going to be violently sick, you won’t have time to get him in there,” she warned John pointing at the facility off to the side.. “You know about possible seizures. Don’t try to hold him still, but do what you can to protect his neck. Try to keep him hydrated.” Shaw cautioned as she made for the door. “I’ll be out there if you need me. What he’s going to go through, he won’t want me to see.”


The Chauffeur

Chapter One
Chapter Two                                                         
Chapter Three

Chapter Four
                                                              Chapter Five

Chapter Six
Chapter Seven                                                         

slash, mildly explicit, harold finch, harold finch/john reese, nathan ingram, sam shaw, john reese

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