FIC: Structural Flaws

Aug 03, 2009 15:41

Title: Structural Flaws
Author: blue_fjords
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairing: Suzie/Ianto
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Word length: ~1800
Summary: Set several years pre-series. Suzie has a tryst with a boy with a fake name. They are briefly interrupted.

A/N: This is totes PWP, and totes for amand_r and used_songs, who suggested and seconded it over on the what-the- ( Read more... )

pwp, tw: ianto, tw: suzie, fic

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Comments 38

amand_r August 3 2009, 19:56:04 UTC

He didn’t know what he was doing, not really, and she spared an exasperated thought for the unimaginative former girlfriends of not-Ifan before seizing his head and directing him.

This sums up the whole Suzie/Ianto vibe in one sentence for me, I think.

Holy crap with the not touching and the marks and the shitty oral sex and the fighting weevils and the Jack cameo! Yes, bb!


blue_fjords August 3 2009, 20:05:36 UTC
Right back at you!

This was partly inspired by our conversation at the museum re: Nick's bad sex idea. I couldn't make it *all* bad, but there were no unicorns and rainbows and sweet, sweet love.

(Jack is in everything, yes, indeed.)


amand_r August 3 2009, 20:06:27 UTC
You know, I'm fairly sure that if Suzie ever saw a unicorn, she'd stab it.

Then she might try to bring it back to life.


51stcenturyfox August 3 2009, 20:39:20 UTC
He didn’t know what he was doing, not really, and she spared an exasperated thought for the unimaginative former girlfriends of not-Ifan before seizing his head and directing him.


This is all sorts of awesome. Suzie is deranged. I don't know if Torchwood made her better or worse.


blue_fjords August 3 2009, 21:26:37 UTC
Thanks!! I love to write Suzie. Then I can be all huggles in real life. ;)


rexluscus August 3 2009, 20:54:06 UTC
AWESOME. And hot in a scary way. Like Suzie. I love the last line like burning.


blue_fjords August 3 2009, 21:33:17 UTC
I think that quote is so perfect for an area that houses an alien-watching organization. It's like they totes build the whole damn thing for the TV show! :P

Yay for Suzie love!


used_songs August 3 2009, 21:15:28 UTC
He looked up at her from his pile of insulation, an utterly bewildered expression on his face. Oh, he looked pretty like that.

Haha! This is wonderful! I love how matter-of-fact Suzie is with her hard edge, the way she is in complete control and directing everything. And how clueless Ianto is ... but he somehow managed to stand out in the crowd anyway. It's cool how you took typical language of gender and turned that dynamic on its head, too.

And plus? Super hot! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!


blue_fjords August 3 2009, 21:39:23 UTC
Yay! Super duper glad that you liked it! It's the earliest I've gone back for Ianto, and I like Ianto-as-non-super-powered, so he's fairly normal here. Still able to hold his own in some regards, though. But not all. :)


used_songs August 3 2009, 22:02:09 UTC
Oh yeah, definitely. He is out of his depth, out classed in every way as this is Suzie at the height of her powers. Wonderful stuff!


neifile7 August 3 2009, 22:28:40 UTC
Sex, manipulation, and weevils. A fine slice of backstory for a fine Torchwood tradition.

This is an interesting pendant to your Tosh/Suzie Suzie, btw; less sensualist, more aggressive, but just as drunk on power.


blue_fjords August 4 2009, 05:03:57 UTC
Thanks, neifile! I do so like my femslash pairing.

I think one of the main differences between how Suzie treats Tosh vs. Ianto here is that a part of her does want Tosh to enjoy herself. She doesn't really care about Ianto. Even when she's giving him a blow job, in her head it's all about how she can make him fall apart. And she gets naked but doesn't let him touch. :)


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