Jul 07, 2011 02:52
... and remind current blockbuster directors of the fundamental values and essentials of film making: coherent plot, character development (including caution to dialogue), conceptual principal photography, narrative driven and sensible use of CGI as well as 3D technology.
Also, should you for instance be filming a trilogy, you have to heed to the story arc, plot advances and settings established in the previous installments when filming your third part.
alternatively I could just remain and ask why Transformers 3 didn't have the Railgun on the Battleship which wrapped up the final fight in Transformers 2! It would have saved me waisting 3 Hours of my life! Also, lensflairs and shakeycam really really !really! don't work in a 3D film! Just because you have the tech, doesn't mean you ultimatively, constantly forceably have to use it!