Something Wicked - 2013 Horror Fanwork Meme

Oct 01, 2013 19:10

October is upon us, with its falling leaves and Summer’s dying breaths. What better time to write horror? Announcing …

Welcome to the resurrection of the HORROR multi-fandom comment meme for artists and writers!


The Rules
  • This is a gen-oriented comment-meme for creating fanworks that explore the horror genre, in all its variety. Pairings are fine as long as the relationship isn't the focus. Let's creep the bejeebies out of each other!
  • To play, just leave a prompt or reply to a prompt. The meme is open to fic and all forms of visual art.
  • Any fandom is welcome, including crossovers and fusions.
  • When you prompt, be sure to indicate the fandom. You can use picture prompts as well; please hide under a cut or link if NSFW.
  • When you fill a prompt, write the word FILLED in bold followed by the Title of your piece, the fandom, characters, rating and warnings. You can post directly in the comment, or link to your journal as long as the entry is unlocked. A prompt can receive more than one fill, if it so happens.
  • Art larger than 800px should be posted as a work-safe thumbnail with a link to the full art. If there is anything even vaguely NSFW in the image, please hide under a link or cut!
  • Stories longer than 3,000 words can be posted in parts; each subsequent chapter should be posted as a reply to the comment containing the first part of your story.
  • Any questions? PM blood_and_pie.

Copy and paste:">">

Additional Banner and full FAQ HERE

Thanks to sharp_teeth for prior years of awesomely creepy tales, and for inspiring us to make new ones!

Respond to this post with prompts and fills. And have a ghastly good time!


- Run (ART) by a_starfish for the prompt: Sam and Dean (wincest or gen) deals with a very horrific case which scares the hell of the both of them. I'm thinking something as gruesome and gory as Evil Dead, original or remake. Could be a happy ending or not, I don't care. I want to be able to imagine their eyes widening with fear. SFW

- What Awaits (ART) by etoile-etiolee for the prompt: There’s a great many rooms in the Man of Letters bunker that the Winchesters haven’t even found, let alone explored. But there’s this one door at the end of a long hall, and some nights, light shines under the crack. And there are whispers. And the smell of smoke. SFW

- Euphoria (ART) by chomaisky for the prompt: Sam’s strapped for cash while at Stanford. He sees a flyer looking for participants in a study for an experimental drug. Acid reflux or something. Seems harmless enough, so he bites. The side-effects are … negligible. In fact, he feels better than he has in months. Until he starts shedding his skin. NSFW, but just barely. Mostly safe.

- There's No Place Like Home - Prologue (FIC) *WIP by keslei for the prompt: 'Impenetrable' is just another way to say 'inescapable.' Batcave!horror.

- The Last Book of the Winchester Gospels by balder12 for the prompt: Metatron's spell kicked all of the angels out of Heaven, seriously downgrading them in the process power-wise. All that energy had to go somewhere. It went into Lucifer's Cage.

- Tapeloop by pinkyapples for the prompt: Sam and Dean (wincest or gen) deals with a very horrific case which scares the hell of the both of them. I'm thinking something as gruesome and gory as Evil Dead, original or remake. Could be a happy ending or not, I don't care. I want to be able to imagine their eyes widening with fear.

- It's Just a Toy by fairyniamh for the prompt: Toys can be possessed too.

- A Stitch in Time, Saves Nine by pinkyapples for the prompt: How did Crowley manage to beat out the entirety of Hell's demons to get the job as King of Hell? Can be as gory as you want.

- John Winchester is Dead by monicawoe for the prompt They say those Winchester boys're crazy. Drive around in a big black beast and drink too much and laugh about mean things. They say their daddy's worse, but you never see him. He's just a voice on the other end of the phone or a darker shape in the back seat of their dark car.They say John Winchester died two years ago.

- The Third Passenger(ART) by becc_j for the prompt Sometimes, there seems to be something in the back seat...

- Do I Have to Do This All Over Again? by ramblin_rosie for the prompt: He knows it's finally over and he's going to die. Then he wakes up back at Stanford 10 years earlier. A decade later he knows it's over and he's going to die. He wakes up back at Stanford 10 years earlier. A decade later he knows he's going to die and wake up back Stanford 10 years earlier.

- In the Earth by badbastion for the prompt: There's something under the ground, Dean can feel it. It had almost reached him when he pulled himself from his grave and now it's following him everywhere, just waiting for its chance to pull him back under the cold, dark earth and bury him forever.

-' Impenetrable' is just another way to say 'inescapable'(ART) by a_starfish for the prompt: 'Impenetrable' is just another way to say 'inescapable.' Batcave!horror.

something wicked, 2013 horror meme

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