Nothing to kill or die for.

Mar 06, 2013 19:35

I just read this huge story about guns in the media. It was about how after a tragedy, like Sandy Hook, focus turns to guns in the media and tries to find blame. People (directors, actors, blahblahblah) say that it makes them very conscience of what they're putting out there for all to see, and they say that they will try to limit the violence in ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

jillianfish March 7 2013, 13:35:51 UTC
I agree with you about not blaming the violence on movies. TV, games, etc. If someone is going to believe that a game or a show is reality and that they should do it in reality then they have bigger problems than what they're watching.


blondein2ways March 8 2013, 00:19:07 UTC
I think mental health is the huge problem that people seem to be overlooking.


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