Nothing to kill or die for.

Mar 06, 2013 19:35

I just read this huge story about guns in the media. It was about how after a tragedy, like Sandy Hook, focus turns to guns in the media and tries to find blame. People (directors, actors, blahblahblah) say that it makes them very conscience of what they're putting out there for all to see, and they say that they will try to limit the violence in future projects. Yeah right. I don't believe that movies make people do anything.

They said that tv glorifies gun violence, and maybe it does, I don't know. I'm not into any of those violent shows so I can't say. I do watch cop shows though, not a lot, but some. I think it's truly ridiculous to blame gun violence on television police dramas. Cops are the ones who are supposed to have the guns! And that is never glorified.

I don't think that video games are to blame either, but I think they can desensitize. I am not a gamer, so I'm not exactly sure. I do have a story though. When I was younger I got a free sample of this new Lara Croft game. It only had one land or word or lever...whatever gamer jargon is correct here. I didn't know the point of it and I couldn't figure it out, but I wanted to so I kept going back to it. I was in a jungle and there I am, Lara Croft with my short shorts and giant boobs. I figured how to switch the POV to first person, I figured out how to do flips, and I figured out how to pull my guns. I was alone in this jungle just wondering around I see a monkey running around so I go up to him. It starts attacking me and Lara is screaming and bleeding and I pull my gun and shoot the monkey. It freaked me out! It was so disturbing to me to kill this animal and it was only a video game. It was only a Lara Croft sampler! It scared me, like really scared me and I hated that game after that. I can't even imagine what kids are playing today!

I do not think that violence in media is ever solely responsible for real violence. I think people can tell the difference between reality and fantasy; and the people who can't have a larger problem than watching Jeremy Renner running around with a gun in hand.

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