Only close my eyes and you are here with me.

Jul 05, 2012 18:02

The movies of my life

The first movie I remember watching

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movies, nostalgia, gifs, surveys and challenges, pic: movies

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Comments 4

museofmyself July 6 2012, 03:08:18 UTC
"I would speak in a fake British accent and gave concerts for the neighbors.": this is the most adorable thing ever.

Your mom was way cool. And I agree with her...Lily was watching Braveheart and Forrest Gump when she was little, too.

Heath Ledger...yum. Definitely missed.

That green dress is amazing.

Grease: I still love the music but if I never see that movie again it will be too soon.

Clueless! Love it.

I'm a bit ashamed to say I've never seen Eternal Sunshine. I should remedy that. :)


blondein2ways July 7 2012, 04:15:50 UTC
You should totally see Eternal Sunshine!

I don't think age matters with a movie. I feel if you aren't even old enough to understand something it doesn't matter. I'm convinced that, as a child, I did not fully grasp one scene of Grease, but I still watched it over and over.


hotclementine July 6 2012, 17:58:24 UTC
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of my favorite movies, which is kind of amazing considering how much I usually dislike Jim Carrey.

I also was big on dressing like the Spice Girls - I remember I got this pair of white platform sandals with these two big blue globe things for heels and they were totally impractical for real life, but I wanted them because they looked like something Baby Spice would wear.

This is a fun meme - it looks like the one they give celebrities in Entertainment Weekly sometimes. I might have to do it myself!


blondein2ways July 7 2012, 04:17:15 UTC
It's funny you say that because this was actually a questionnaire Entertainment Weekly gave Emma Stone.


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