Only close my eyes and you are here with me.

Jul 05, 2012 18:02

The movies of my life

The first movie I remember watching

The movie that inspired my fashion sense when I was a kid
Spice World. I wanted to be a Spice Girl, I was Baby Spice. I had the platform sneakers and the pigtails. I would speak in a fake British accent and gave concerts for the neighbors.

The first R-rated drama I ever saw
Sleeping With the Enemy. There really wasn't any form of censorship in my house so I watched all kind of movies growing up. I saw Sleeping With the Enemy for the first time when I was little and my mom was the one who told me to watch it.

My first movie-star crush
Heath Ledger! OMG! Heath Ledger!

The first sex scene I saw
I watched like every horror movie growing up and there is always a sex scene. I don't even remember what movie this was, but it was something about this group in some theater and a clown was killing them off. I think Ashley from The Fresh Prince was in it. These people were having sex, about to be killed for breaking the #1 rule of horror films. I was just at that age where I was really curious, but very embarrassed about it.

The scariest movie I've ever seen
It. From what I remember, I was very little when my brothers had the genius idea to allow me to watch a movie about a killer clown with razor sharp teeth. Each of the characters have their own story about their encounters with Peenywise. One of the stories was this girl hears an odd noise coming from the sink in the bathroom, she moves forward to investigate and blood just starts pouring out and goes everywhere and she gets smothered in it, she runs outside screaming her head off and see Pennywise across the street waving at her. That horrified me. And I still think of that when I hear a weird noise coming from a drain.

The movie costume I'd love to wear
Keira Knightley's green dress in Atonment. I read somewhere that that dress is surpassing Audrey Hepburn's dress in Breakfast at Tiffany's and Marilyn Monroe's dress in The Seven Year Itch as the most fabulous movie dress out there.

The last movie I bought
I haven't bought a movie in such a long time! Spiderman 2 was probably the last one. It was in the $5 bin at Walmart.

The movie musical I know every word to
Grease. In chorus class in school we were doing Grease songs and there weren't enough lyric books to go around, so I gave mine up because I already knew the songs. My friends looked at me like I was crazy and I just didn't understand. Didn't everyone give Grease concerts in their living room growing up?

The movie character I wanted to be
I actually wanted to be Zuko. John Travolta in Grease. When we gave our Grease concerts in the living room, I was always Zuko. He had more songs, he could dance, he was cool. Back in they day I would much rather do 'Grease Lightening' than 'Hopelessly Devoted'.

The remake I'd love to star in
I don't like remakes.

The movie I can't turn off when it's on tv
The Wedding Date and The Family Stone. I have a big crush on Dermot Mulroney!

The movie I've seen more times than I can count
Clueless. I watched Clueless All. The. Time. It was the movie of my generation.

The movie I quote all the time
I don't quote movies all the time. My cousins do. I guess if I quote something it's usually Big Daddy or Billy Madison, 10 Things or Mean Girls.

The last movie that made me cry
Probably 50/50. I don't even think I watched the last ten minutes because I couldn't handle it.

The movie I can't wait for
I don't even know. Summer is supposed to be a big time for movies, but they all just seem kind of blah to me. I guess I'm excited for Jurassic Park. I heard a while ago that it was being re-released in 3D, but I haven't heard anything about it since; so I don't know.

The scene that reminds me what great acting is
Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge. The scene where they've been exposed and he's hiding backstage and tells Nicole Kidman that he doesn't want her to sleep with The Duke. My God, that is wonderful.

The movie I'm always telling people to see
I think everyone should see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

movies, nostalgia, gifs, surveys and challenges, pic: movies

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