After twenty billion years worth of hijinks (ask Belarus; she was there for most of the shenanigans)...
...Yes, read that carefully. DEMO. No pictures yet, just audio. Audio that will probably have to be redone due to being nearly impossible to hear. Audio that's also just bad on its own because my nose suddenly stuffed up then my voice started cracking then I forgot to normalize the audio and blah blah blah... Well, it'll probably just give you a sense of the timing of the trailer, at any rate. Here it is!
Click to view
My ideas for the pictures... well, we can start out with just pictures of the Hetalia folks relaxing/going through a normal day... go to pictures of the monsters/shadows when the music kicks up (which is about when I mention them in the narration)... and then, um... I don't know, throw in some more intense stuff after that... Oh, and if I recall correctly, Prussia and Romano were talking about drawing all the characters using their powers. I was thinking that I could flash things like that on the screen during that big honking character list I rattle off. Generally, the pictures would be of a darker, more intense fare... darker palette, so on and so forth. Oh it sounds like I'm giving orders no no no no orders here sorry sorry
Oh, speaking of ideas... what would you guys think of an FST (Fan SoundTrack) for the RP once it kicks up? My ideas so far mostly include instrumental fight music. However, be warned: I WILL try and shoehorn a Metallica song into any FST I make. No questions asked. Sorry. XD Another warning: if you can't tell, I like to ROCK THE HOUSE, so you'd be turning your speakers up or down accordingly.
UPDATE: Okay, so I'm just going to re-clarify what I need. It's really more for my benefit, since everyone else seems to know what's going on. So, for the first phase ("In a world..."), that's where the "relaxed" pictures would go. In the second phase ("Wicked shadows..."), I'd put pictures of the shadows. Easily done- just some black shapeless horrors would be great (although some of them apparently do *GASP* have tangible forms). The third and fourth sections ("But our countries..." "Will they be able...") are being treated as one "phase." I was thinking of putting actual fight scenes in this phase (not just single characters showing off their power; that's the next section). The last phase- that huge honking list of characters- contains what people are most excited about: the characters showing off their powers. Naturally, I need to redo the narration for this section so that the list goes more SLOOOOOWLY so you'll actually get to see the pictures for more than half a second. X_X That's all for now, I think.
Comments? Questions? Please do tell! Hurgh, I can't listen to my own voice anymore...