Australian Emblems = omgfuck!

Mar 22, 2008 12:15

yesterday, not only was there a kangaroo in the back paddock to distract my horse, but an EMU ( Read more... )

wild animals

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Comments 41

beybladesabre March 22 2008, 03:37:59 UTC
Lol, I can't even imagine seeing a kanga or an emu irl! We just mostly have deer and moose...the horses don't care about deer at all, but they go PSYCHO when a moose is in the vicinity! Tearing down fences and horses have never done that but I know of some that have! Damn wildlife!! :P


blitzen_ March 22 2008, 03:47:21 UTC
moose (meese? like geese? hahaha) are HUGE tho, aren't they? that would be fucking scary! and wolves! do you have wolves?


beybladesabre March 22 2008, 03:54:52 UTC
Yeah moose are huge:) My dad used to hunt when I was younger so we got to play with the huge dead carcasses, ok, that sounds really morbid, lol. There's not really wolves around the mountains there are in certain places, and up north, way north of my parents' place...but I think I've ever only seen one... See wolves and coyotes don't really bother horses for the most part. Unless the horse is staggering around and dying they would never go near them!


brighteyedcat March 22 2008, 03:56:48 UTC
oh i forgot to mention that the owner of my barn has a PET wolf that hangs out at the barn. she's still a puppy right now, but she's GORGEOUS. and she's surprisingly well behaved around the horses. just like a dog, i guess. except that she's a full blooded wolf. lol!


faunal_fantasy March 22 2008, 04:09:29 UTC
I remember the first time my horse saw an elephant. Poor guy practically sat down as he came to a skidding stop in the middle of a line and refused to move one step forward. It was not a great show.


blitzen_ March 22 2008, 04:24:01 UTC
omg, where did you spot an elephant?> or rather, what was an elephant doing at ur show????


faunal_fantasy March 22 2008, 14:33:04 UTC
There was a circus adjacent to the horse show, and the elephant paddocked near one of the show rings. It did not make any sense.


siobheanne March 22 2008, 04:13:36 UTC
We've had black bears & coyotes in our paddock (in addition to deer, foxes, fishers, etc).

ETA: We also had a black panther in the area for about 10 years; someone took it as a pet and predictably turned it loose when it got too big/dangerous. It was partially tame from it's early years; I don't think it ever attacked anyone, but pets went missing for awhile in & around the town in which it was usually seen. I don't know why it took so long for the powers-that-be to catch the damn thing! I guess panthers are sneaky-sneaky.

Jo and I knew to stay LOW to avoid getting double-barreled in the chest :)

... )


blitzen_ March 22 2008, 04:22:48 UTC
haha, that's a great pic! they have such soft lips & are so good at eating! i love the feel as they eat from your hand. same with geese & chickens, love that.

i would DIE if i ever came across a bear. omg. they are huge, right?


siobheanne March 22 2008, 04:32:10 UTC
You definitely don't want to tangle with them. They're bad fucking news, although the black bears we have around here are much smaller & less aggressive than big mofo brown bears or Grizzlies. Thankfully I've only ever seen a black bear from a distance. They're one of my main fears re: camping around here.

We also have polar bears, which are big and scary and aggressive; they've been tangling with some of the Northern Ontario/Manitoba communities more and more (like Churchill, Manitoba, "The Polar Bear Capital of the World"), which is troublesome.


siobheanne March 22 2008, 04:46:40 UTC
Lalala, comment spam! This commercial was just on, though, and it seemed very timely!

~ 30 seconds (at the Trex part), you can see just how crazy large they are!


bluepony0628 March 22 2008, 04:48:08 UTC
OMG a kangaroo! In your backyard?! Okay, that makes me giggle. :P


nattie_dino March 22 2008, 04:54:33 UTC
thats awsome you have so much wildlife in your horses area :)

Btw we have more than 2 species of kangaroo, we have about 50 something macropod species which includes wallabies. We have tree kangaroos, wallaroos and there is even 2 types of grey kangaroo the eastern and the western. I didn't realise until i started studying wildlife that there were so many!


blitzen_ March 22 2008, 05:04:15 UTC
welll i wasn't going to go on about the wallabies & so on - to me they're a different species??/ but i did not realise there were two types of grey. i guess that makes sense tho because there's a bloody large amt of desert for them to get thru on the nullabor, so it's natural they'd evolve differently.


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