Australian Emblems = omgfuck!

Mar 22, 2008 12:15

yesterday, not only was there a kangaroo in the back paddock to distract my horse, but an EMU.

both australian emblems together!

emu's are pretty rare on their own - they're usually very social & in large mobs. same with kangas, actually, but you do see some on their own.

so yeah, where there's one, there will probably be more, and when that happens, every horse's mind in a 1000m radius will BLOW.


they have been known to attack man too.

they're about as tall as me & probably weigh in as much as i do too.

beej was *interested* to say the least, but it didn't blow his mind.

we have two types of kangas in australia. this one - the Eastern Grey, which inhabit forested/grassy areas around the country, and the big Red mofo's - the males of which can EASILY stretch out up to and over 2m tall. the one in our back paddock is a Grey, male by the looks too.

a male kangaroo is also a pretty good fighter and they have been known to kick out so bad they can GUT a person. not pleasant. not common either, but it has happened. i wouldn't cross one... ppl think they're so cute & friendly! they usually hop away, but still.

wild animals

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