can't see the forest for the trees, or, SEMANTICS.

Feb 10, 2008 09:28

grrr. i must seem a bit schizophrenic today! angry, happy. angry, happy ( Read more... )

interesting stuff, snark, rant

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Comments 16

meupatdoes February 10 2008, 01:03:02 UTC
I am glad I am not the only one this happens to.

Everytime I go anywhere with my friend Andrea there is always some sort of ineptitude related kerfluffle that involves me standing there jawagape and astounded and starting to get a little pissy.

There was one day where a simple question of, "What is the difference betweeen the peppermint icecream flavor and the peppermint patty icecream flavor?" ended up involving Herculean levels of self-restraint on my part, with Andrea edging subtly away in anticipation of an explosion. (Seriously? How hard is that question? You look at the damn flavors every day. Or could I just get a little SAMPLE and figure it out for myself??!)

Though, the speech about not being able to physically see with her own eyes takes the cake. If someone said that to me I don't even know what.


blitzen_ February 10 2008, 01:14:15 UTC
lol. did you find out the difference?

i find my patience is just super thin and i expect a certain standard of customer service. jed thinks i am a bit harsh and mean, especially when it comes to fast food & expecting them to be... well, FAST, or at the very least, ACCURATE. due to the nature of the food (fast and cheap) i should expect substandard service. WTF>????? i guess it's because i worked in fast food & customer service & was trained well (imo).

and yes, the seeing with her own eyes. i just LOVE that it took the guy 0.123412 seconds to find it. CLEARLY there is something very WRONG with her eyes.


meupatdoes February 10 2008, 01:48:33 UTC
This business with the icecream was the most ridiculous charade.

To wit:
Me: What is the difference between peppermint and peppermint patty?
Them: *big eyes*
Me: ?
Them: *big eyes*
Me: Like, how are they different?
Them: Do you want us you?
Me: Well, you could just describe, but show if you must ( ... )


blitzen_ February 10 2008, 02:23:33 UTC
LOL@ *big eyes*
i can SO envision that.

most icecream places here will let you sample every icecream flavour there is... what a twit!

and acting like they're so hard done by. pfft.


to_paraphrase February 10 2008, 01:56:03 UTC
dude, people just get lazy when they have to deal with the public. simple as that. i see that kind of behaviour all the time being a customer and when i worked in the customer service industry. i seriously would have been all, "What the hell are you talking about your eyes for? Are you blind, is that what you mean by you can't see physically with your eyes? Get me someone who CAN see with their eyes." you had way more patience than i do! LOL i must already be a grumpy old woman.


blitzen_ February 10 2008, 02:25:30 UTC
lol. well, she got the picture that she had overdone the 'seeing with her eyes' shit when i responded with the "okay, i hear what you're saying...."

i LOVE that line so much. next time i might use a hand puppet: "Okay, i SEE what you're saying, but i'm hearing this - blah blah blah!"


siobheanne February 10 2008, 04:18:32 UTC
Or, "I am physically HEARING what you're SAYING with my EARS as the soundwaves travel through the cochlea and semicircular canals and ear drum", etc etc.


blitzen_ February 10 2008, 04:46:11 UTC
LOL. that would be way too funny to say!


beybladesabre February 10 2008, 01:59:17 UTC
Oh wow, lol. You must need a certain level of stupidity to work at places like that:P I feel the same way about fast food places. I can not count the times I have asked for GRILLED CHICKEN at some places, and I swear like 80% of the time I don't get what I asked for. Like seriously!! Your menu has like FIFTEEN FUCKING ITEMS on it! It is not that hard to make what I asked for!! Grrrrrr... :S


blitzen_ February 10 2008, 02:26:36 UTC
omg so true. places that have set menus should not make any fucking mistakes.


beybladesabre February 10 2008, 03:08:20 UTC
Or when the manager is 14 years old and you're the only person in the place standing there waiting to order, and you end up waiting like 10 mins because they're having a food fight in the back... And after that they can't get a single thing right on one order...yeah, that's bad:P I seriously want to write a huge ranty letter to McDonald's but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't even matter:P


blitzen_ February 10 2008, 03:20:25 UTC
OMG jed and i call that situation "lord of the flies" because it's full of wild teenagers. i srsly think bad training is at fault there & older managers who set a bad example & try to be "friends" with their little workers rather than fucking "manage" them.

you should write it. or even just call head office in your state. name the store & how unnacceptable it was - trust me, it'll get back to them. Macdonald's over here is all about the customer service.


blauereiterin February 10 2008, 15:07:41 UTC
haha. stupid bint.


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