can't see the forest for the trees, or, SEMANTICS.

Feb 10, 2008 09:28

grrr. i must seem a bit schizophrenic today! angry, happy. angry, happy!


so on thursday night i went to my old local supermarket. it's a little independent store & as i shopped there for 10 yrs before moving to this new neighbourhood i know where everything is (do other ppl get anxious when they REARRANGE SHIT in shopping centres? i HATE going to the mega shopping places where there's 1000ppl, all with trolleys, fucking going crazy. & the wait at the checkout is like 20mins... maybe i just go during peak times, but FUCK).

anyway, i went to the chemist beforehand & picked up some vitamins & nail polish (black & purple, omg i am so Emo!) so i had one of those little paper chemist bags with my stuff in.

i just had a bit of shopping to do so i used a basket & not a trolley. anyway, got home later on to realise i'd forgotton the $30 worth of vitamins & nail polish.

called them up the next day & my stuff was there. the manager said she'd write my name on (correctly, no less) and i said i'd pick it up on either fri/saturday.

so i get there yesterday. buy some stuff. as i'm going thru the checkout another woman comes from the front of the store - she left her card behind & the manager on duty gets it from the special draw where they put shit that ppl leave. she talks to the woman then i say, "while you're there - i left some shopping behind on thursday."
she said, "what did it have in it?"
"some vitamins & nail polish.... i spoke to someone yesterday, she said it was here & she'd put my name on it."

so manager roots around in the draw for a while. "nope, it's not here."
"well i spoke to a lady who said it was."
"when did you speak to her?"
"oh, well she's weekday staff. we're weekend staff & we never get told anything" (or something along those lines.

she stops & looks thru their little communication booklet. "it says nothing in here. who did you speak to? was it sue?" then she didn't even give me a fucking chance to say anything because she was like, "whatever."

then another cashier butted in about something left behind with broccoli etc.

i said, "She said she'd leave it with my name on it. can you double check?"

so she makes a big show out of going thru the drawer again, back into their office etc. she comes out and says, "The Problem is that i cannot physically see it with my own eyes. i cannot see it, you know? my eyes cannot see it."
WTF? as opposed to *emotionally* seeing it>? or seeing it with someone else's eyes?

i said, "okay, i hear what you're saying, i understand, i totally get you. but it is definitely here!"

so she calls on the intercom for the other manager and mutters about how even he wouldn't know as he's weekend staff and weekday staff don't tell them anything. she's starting to get flustered because i am totally standing there with a WTF expression on my face. the cashier at the checkout i'm at gives me this "woops, i'm sorry!" kind of look which alleviates my general impression of THE STUPID. meanwhile, there are also a LOT of other customers about. haha.

so, other manager appears from down the back.

she goes over and says, "this lady left her shopping"
and i said, "it's got my name on it. Juanita. with a J"

he opens the fucking drawer and literally just puts his hand in and pulls out my bag! "is it this?" and RIGHT THERE IN BIG FUCKING WRITING IS: Juanita, pickup Fri/Sat. admittedly, the bag was sign side up (you know how there's advertising on the front & blank on the back?). it took him LESS THAN A SECOND.

so as he's walking over to me, the woman goes, "You did not say it was a CHEMIST bag?!!! i thought it was a SHOPPING bag."

so he gives me the bag and as i grab it i am like, "thank you SO much, you are very good at finding things, thank you again, you're fantastic." (a bit patronising, which i do feel bad about, but fuck, i'd been patronised during the whole incident!)

and meanwhile, the female manager is still going on about how it's a fucking chemist bag.

i just grab my stuff and STALK out of the shop. as i leave i hear this, "well... FUCK."


so yes. do shopping bags always = the placky bags we use to bring our groceries home?

NO because shopping does not necessarily = groceries.

besides, if she had stopped talking & telling me how she can't see physically with her eyes, & actually LOOKED in the drawer instead of, idunno, TALKING she may have seen it.

i must be turning into a Grumpy Old Woman.

or is it just that as i get older, the more i can't stand THE STUPID?????????????????

interesting stuff, snark, rant

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