It's been fast-paced, but here we are! The fics of Mini-Round 003: All or Nothing! This quick go-around, we have 22 fics by 12 authors! So, here we go!!
blue_cage : :*
hostilecrayon : my lj
justwolf lacygrey : my lj or dw
metisket : :*
onkoona :*
qem_chibati : :*
tuuli_chan :*
verloren1983 : * - indicates an author who submitted multiple fics
Approaching Spring vitesse
Ghost of a ghost cyflymder
Day Out spoed
Last Hamlet of Feeling brzina
Tsuki no Go Dreamlife bilis
~music~ Girl Talk abiadura
The Trouble with Tournaments hastighet
A Different Kind of Game Glee All In Good Time luas
An allusion to the Davinyls We call ourselves lovers vitesse and luas
The Sushi Incident (Version 42) snelheid
House of Go kiirus
Five Reasons Hikaru Frustrates Akira Charmed The Vending Machine Dr. Horrible's Go Blog Rapture nopeus
overheard in the key of green The deadline for guessing is February 28th, Midnight EST. Please be sure to check that you're guessing writers who have actually submitted fics for this round; we've had incidents in the past where people have guessed writers who didn't submit.
Guessing guidelines
Please leave your guesses as comments to this post in the following format:
[ID] writer's LJ name
You don't need to guess for all the fics, only as many as you can figure out. You also don't need to leave all your guesses in one comment; you can comment with additional guesses. However, you can only guess one writer for each fic. In the case where you've changed your guess, the latest guess will be the one considered. You don't need to be a member of this community to guess!
All guesses will be screened to avoid unduly influencing other people with your opinions. You are free to post public speculations in your own LJ but please try to avoid doing so in
blind_go itself or in individual posts in
Please see
this link for clarification on guessing. Some tips on how to get started on
the guessing process can be found here.
Happy hunting!!
Please comment to this screened post...
⇒ if your name appears or does not appear on the author's list in error.
⇒ if there are any mistakes in the links to the fics, or if there is a typo or other small correction in your fic that you would like changed.
⇒ with the names of people who are not allowed to guess for your fic (e.g. betas, friends whom you've discussed it with, people whom you've verified your ID for in facilitation of your own guessing post, etc.).
⇒ with your guesses!!
Enjoy, and thank you!!