Cry me a river, cry me a sea

Aug 18, 2010 15:07


We got there way earlier than we needed to because we finished dinner early, but it was fine. We went to the bathroom and got coffee and whatnot. The opening act, David Rhodes, was actually really really good. It was just him and his electric guitar, but he pulled it off. He did about 8 or so songs, then a while passed before Cyndi came out.

Her hair was red and poofy and wild and amazing. And she had on this leather suit-type outfit. It was awesome. The first half was entirely her Memphis Blues album. She started with "Just Your Fool", which is probably my favorite song on the album. Then, "Shattered Dreams". Then she took a break and started talking about how all modern music comes from blues, except of gospel, but she was never really got to go to church where they played gospel music because they were Catholic, and how her and her sister would re-enact Mass at home, and how they'd re-enact Smokey the Bear commercials. It was a really long story, and she kept going off on tangents, but then she acknowledged that she was going off on tangents lol, and it was really funny anyway so it didn't matter that it was long.

Then she did "Early in the Mornin'" which is another of my favorites from the albums. After this song, I think, was when some girls screamed something about wanting her to do "Girls Just Want To Have Fun", and Cydni goes, "You know what then, girls, come back later then, because right now, THIS girl is having HER fun" and of course the arena bursts into applause, and she goes on being like, "Blues album. Blues band. We're going to do do some blues for awhile. And both of you, you know, go onto itunes and learn some music history, because everything you listen to today comes from blues, ok?" More applause. And then she turns away for a second to get the band ready for the next song, and then turns back to the audience and says, "I'm a feisty woman." Heeheehee. XD

After that, she basically did the rest of the album, except for maybe one song. She ended the blues section "Don't Cry No More", a really upbeat song which got everyone out of their seats, and also during which she ran out into the audience. In the front section of the audience she randomly stopped running around near an empty aisle seat, and bends down and starts taking her shoes off with one hand, mic in the other, while singing all the while. After she got her shoes off, she jumped up onto the empty seat.


Anyway, after that, she ran off-stage for like two seconds, then came back on, and started doing her classics. First, a really emotional "Who Let In the Rain". Then the crazy-powerful "Change of Heart", got everyone up again. Then she went straight into "Girls Just Want To Have Fun", which of course made the arena explode. Then, "Time After Time", which was lovely, as always.

THEN, she did "She Bop", which was my first favorite song of hers and remains one of my favorites to this day, so needless to say I was SO HAPPY she did it. And after that, she went straight into a verse and a chorus of "Fearless", which is my favorite song from The Body Acoustic album.

Then, of course, she ended with "True Colors", and in the row in front of me, which was entirely middle-aged gay men, started holding hands or hugging their prospective partners and it was so touching and I nearly died. :')

As was before, it was such a great experience. Her concerts are always the perfect balance of upbeat and slow, of emotional and fun, of talking and music. And she herself is so fucking unbelievably talented. She can seriously still sing just as good as she could twenty-five years ago. And even at age fifty-seven, she's still dancing and rolling around on the stage and just being such a great performer. Words just aren't enough to describe how happy I am at her concerts. <3

people: cyndi friggin lauper, music

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