I wrote the pain down, got off and looked up, looked into your eyes

Jun 03, 2010 14:08

We interrupt this period of despairing depression to bring you my obligatory June 3rd post!

This is not something casual, Luke and me,
this is not something we're rushing into by
any means, this has been a long time
coming, a long time. This is...real.
- Lorelai Gilmore

ALRIGHT, JUNKIES. Today is June 3rd. It has for a few years now acted as a sort of commemorative day for those who ship(ed) Luke and Lorelai (aka Java Junkies) from the show "Gilmore Girls", because it was the day they had originally decided to get married. Many people think of it as a sad day, considering all that happened after they decided on that date, but I prefer to make it a happy day, a day to remember how kickass and amazing of a TV couple they were. :D <3

I just... like to see you happy.
- Luke Danes

I thought of doing many things for this year's June 3rd, but none seemed plausible. Music videos take too long. I no longer feel qualified to write any new fanfiction for them since it's been a couple years since I've really watched the show well. Soundtracks are fun, but... it just doesn't feel quite right to me to do one right now.

So, this year's June 3rd post will be a cornucopia of such.

First, a link to my post from last year: THE STORY OF LUKE AND LORELAI (in a nutshell)!

Second, a link to my only major Luke and Lorelai fanfiction, A Season to Remember. Note that I was 14 when I started it and was just about to turn 16 when I finished it, so it's not the best thing in the world, but it's also better then a lot of the crap out there, imo, and despite how young I was when I wrote it, I'm generally pretty proud of it.

Thirdly: When thinking of what to do for my June 3rd post, I wandered over to the java junkie thread at fanforum, the place that started all this crazy, ridiculous, amazing nonsense with me and this couple. And I found that the opening post had been completely redesigned since I'd been there last. But I love it. And so, I am linking you screencaps of to my favorite part of it; their version of the L&L story. It is really quite lovely.
Here and here.

"To me, they say "I love you" to each other
every single day. Everything that they do,
the way they care for each other, the way
they take care of each other...."
- Amy Sherman-Palladino, Show Creator

Happy June 3rd, Junkies. :)

tv: gilmore girls, ship: lorelai/luke

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