I wrote the pain down, got off and looked up, looked into your eyes

Jun 03, 2010 14:08

We interrupt this period of despairing depression to bring you my obligatory June 3rd post!

This is not something casual, Luke and me,
this is not something we're rushing into by
any means, this has been a long time
coming, a long time. This is...real.
- Lorelai GilmoreALRIGHT, JUNKIES. Today is June 3rd. It has for a few years now acted ( Read more... )

tv: gilmore girls, ship: lorelai/luke

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Comments 22

kelbelle June 3 2010, 21:17:56 UTC
Aw, I was big into the Luke/Lorelai thing back in the day. I remember when the promo shot for "Raincoats and Recipes" came out, my entire existence was focused on that episode.

I only wrote one piece of GG fic for a ficathon, but they were such great characters. AS-P and DP were whackadoodles in real life, and I got to hear them speak a few times about the show. (also meet Kelly Bishop (HBIC) and Scott Patterson)

Sweet post. ♥


blergg June 4 2010, 00:12:52 UTC
Dude, no way you got to see them speak and meet Kelly Bishop and Scott Patterson?! That's so awesome!


kelbelle June 4 2010, 00:15:56 UTC
Gilmore Girls was my first Paley panel ever. Then they did a few things at the Museum later. Also, I used to have a friend who worked at WB. I smoked more cigarettes in that town gazebo than...well...than I should've. Stars Hollow...SO CUTE!!

Also, KBishop is AMAZING. I asked her to sign my ACL OBCR. LOVE HER.

Your post made me go back and look at my old GG entries. I think my favorite subject line is "Last Week Tights, This Week SQUEE!!!!"


blergg June 4 2010, 04:28:34 UTC
That is so cool! I would have loved to have gotten to go to Stars Hollow, omg.


singhappy02 June 3 2010, 21:20:49 UTC
I still love them so hard. They were just perfect, in the most fucked up way possible.

Back in the day I started reading things over at BWR and now five plus years later there's still some authors that I can't help but follow over there. Mags1 is amazing, and if you want to relive some Junkie love, go read her stuff. It's good shit.


blergg June 4 2010, 00:14:07 UTC
They so were.

Oy my gosh, I almost forgot about BWR! I posted stuff there, lol. I'll definitely keep that name in mind, I'm planning on rewatching it sometime this summer so I'm sure my hankering for some good L&L fanfiction will be alive and well!


ccr_358 June 3 2010, 21:22:31 UTC
Oh, how I miss those two.
Happy June 3rd :)


blergg June 4 2010, 00:14:14 UTC
As do I <3


that_september June 3 2010, 21:36:56 UTC
This made me smile. Luke/Lorelai was the first couple (besides Ron/Hermione) that I ever shipped, and they remain among my favorite TV couples of all time. Actually, among my favorite couples of all time, period.

I actually boycotted the seventh season, mostly because I was frustrated with the show in general, but also because Luke and Lorelai broke up. So frustrating. Thanks for posting this, and for the link to your post last year! :D

(Why don't I have a L/L icon?! This is nonsense! D:)


blergg June 4 2010, 00:15:34 UTC
They were my first too, and they're still my favorite today too. <3

I considered boycotting the last season for a split second, but I just couldn't. I DID boycott the episode where Christopher and Lorelai got married, though, and still haven't watched it to this day.


ciachick711 June 3 2010, 22:52:49 UTC
Oh, MAN. Memories.

I think I read the GG forums over at TWoP for awhile, but mostly I avoided it and just talked about GG on my LJ. Also, I wrote a LOT of L/L fanfic....a LOT. And most of it makes me cringe now, but it still exists over at BWR and I'm sure other places.

But I'm sad to say that I didn't even remember June 3 was their wedding date.


blergg June 4 2010, 00:16:30 UTC
Dude, I know right?! ;)

I ventured into TWoP every now and then, but most of the people there were assholes if I remember correctly, so I didn't hang around there too often.


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